
All content revolves around our mission: help men joyfully glorify Jesus Christ as king and fulfill their role as leaders in taking dominion in God’s world, every day, in every realm of life. We post articles, audio, videos, book reviews, interviews, and more containing gospel truth, sound theology, practical wisdom, creative inspiration, Godly conviction and encouragement all to fulfill this mission as men. Our posts are created by men of God, for men of God, from a reformed, evangelical, “hard complementarian” (a.k.a. biblical patriarchal) view point. In other words, we’re not embarrassed by God’s word, and we aim to do our duty as leaders in applying it to every aspect of life in God’s world.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

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Daniel Olushola

We Have An Increasing Need For Scholasticism To The Glory of God

In a world of intolerance to anything that claims exclusive truth, we must revive and give appeal to the work of scholasticism to the glory of God. As Daniel points out, we have much to learn from the holistic approach of the historical puritan and reformation thinkers and their sharp focus on theology in education.

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Nolan Trapp

Faithfulness: A Powerful Fruit Grown By Powerful Promises

The “faithfulness” aspect of the “fruit of the spirit” is grown by believing God’s promises, and this fruit from God enables us to overcome many difficulties of life while remaining hopeful of a great eternity! Nolan points us to many of these reminders here!

GraceIs Tweet Series Recap The Majesty's Men
The Majesty's Men Admin

Recap Of The #GraceIs Tweet Series With Brad Gray

In the latest “TweetSeries” we had Brad Gray share some nuggets of truth and wisdom on the amazing and boundless topic of grace! Check em out, show some “hearts” and join in the convo!

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Payte Johnson

Where Do I Start In The Bible? – #GospelFoundations

Reading the Bible, the word of God, can be daunting. If you’ve ever been confused about where to start when reading the Bible, this is a brief bit of advice and encouragement on where to start and how. It’s much easier than you think, but we all needed help getting started!

Christianity dying video teaching training
The Majesty's Men Admin

Real Answers To The Question, “Is Christianity Dying?” – [Video]

You hear this a lot, but is it true? Is Christianity really dying? Turns out there are some underlying realities in the answers to this question that are actually quite encouraging. Take the time to watch this video shared from The Village Church Training Institute and you’ll be encouraged!

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Jordan Decker

What Does It Mean to “Follow” Jesus? – #GospelFoundations

Is Christianity a decision you made once? Is it wrapped up neatly in a little prayer, long forgotten? Christianity is not confined to a decision or a prayer. Becoming a Christian means embarking on a lifelong journey of following Christ. But what exactly does it mean to “follow” Jesus? It might surprise you!

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TMM User

Is Jesus Just My Example? – #GospelFoundations

Is Jesus our example we try to model our lives over? Is that all he is? Actually, he was and is, and needs to be for each of us, much more than just a great example. Christianity is about how what he did for us, enables how we live.

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The Majesty's Men Admin

Living Out Accurate Foundational Gospel Beliefs – #HoldFastChats

We’re relaunching #HoldFastChats in pair with our #GospelFoundations series. As with all HFCs, we’re answering this question: “What truths do we as guys need to “hold fast” to in regards to this topic (gospel foundations) and how would you encourage us to do so?”

know God guy in fog knowing truly
Gerald White

How Can A Person Claim To Know God? – #GospelFoundations

There’s knowing about God, and then there’s knowing God. It’s kinda crazy to think we mere men can even know about God, but how can a person possibly claim they KNOW God? Well, there’s a way and God has made it available to anyone who wants it.

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Riley Adam Voth

What Does “The Gospel” Even Mean? – #GospelFoundations

You may have heard about “the gospel” but do you know what it really means when people use this term? Here is an overview of not only what the word means, but an fly-over of the entire historical story this word has become the title for. A great starting point for understanding the gospel!

Jordan Decker

Is There Danger in “Taking Back America”?

When we rally to “Take America Back”, what are we really meaning, and more importantly, what are our hearts believing? While the heart behind this might appear acceptable, there is potential danger in it. The reality may disappoint you for the future of America.

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Meiko Seymour

Searching For God In The Times

One minute we’re fussing over trivial matters, the next we’re deciding if we accept refugees and save lives. When times are troubled, politicians are debating, and people are worried, who are we called to be? How do we respond? What is our course and our hope?

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Blake Long

The Gospel Is Offensive. Is That Okay?

People who live in offense to God will likely be offended by the gospel, but is that surprising to anyone? Is it our job to worry about this?

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