Kinsmen Role

If you are someone’s “kinsman”, you are their family. The body of Christ is considered a family, and as fellow men of God, we are called brothers. We use this category for talking about the family of Christ’s church, brotherly love, building one another up, and our roles with our actual paternal and maternal family members. For a complete description of our categories, check out the Categories page.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

Riley Adam Voth

On Meek Men, Apologies, And That Trans CrossPolitic Horse That Ain’t Dead Yet

I love our brothers at CrossPolitic and I’m rooting for them whole-heartedly. That’s why, despite the certainty I’ll be accused of belaboring this issue, it’s worth pressing in on the reality that they have the opportunity to model the meekness of Christlike masculinity by admitting their mistake, but, so far, it hasn’t happened.

James Gasaway

Reject Babylon, Invest Early in Zerubbabel Inc.

A growing movement of Christians are proclaiming the virtues of once again embracing entrepreneurial work and taking it upon ourselves to build society and remove our people from pagan rule. Yet even as we extol this, it’s tempting to despise the small beginnings when comparing to the luxuries we’re accustomed to.

Scott Tungay

Good Leaders Will Pick Good Fights

Our political hellscape is a direct result of Christian apathy and fear over fighting evil. A leader who wants to fight evil is dangerous to cowards. He might start a fight that they would be obligated to show up for.

Derek Ball

A Gang And A Game Plan

If there was ever a time in recent history for men to start forming or joining packs (or militias for that matter), 2021 is that time. Our culture, and much of professed evangelicalism, is attempting to fell you — to overpower you, and to break you.

Owen Strachan

Why Men Pursue Those We’re Called To Love

The reason we know we are to pursue those we’re called to love lies in the reality of who God is and who we are as his covenant people. The reality of God’s divine love we experience should overflow into the daily love others experience from us.

Jonathan Hayashi

3 Suggestions To Regain Biblical Manhood In And Through The Church

We have a manhood crisis everywhere you look, and the church alone is capable of stepping up and truly helping form men into who they are made to be. Here are three simple suggestions for us as men, and our churches, to begin to regain biblical manhood and see more men with Godly character and conviction rise up.

Jordan Decker

There Are No Superheroes In The Church; Here’s A Better Way

We all love the idea of superheroes. Yet, there is no such thing — especially in the Church. If you’re willing to admit it, you’ve likely tried to be one at times, and you’ve likely had times you wanted a superhero to take on roles and responsibilities, saving you from needing to do them. This isn’t the way we work in the church though. There’s a better way.

Graphic with face and words saying Abortion Infanticide Democrats. You Should Be Angry.
Riley Adam Voth

Abortion, Infanticide, Democrats. You Should Be Angry. You Should Do More

Yesterday the U.S. Senate Democrats voted down what should have been a slam-dunk easy passage of a bill meant to protect the lives of the most vulnerable. So with this video, let’s talk about the real reason the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act didn’t pass; the undeniable political nature of this; the fact that there’s seemingly no way a Christian can align with Democrats; and, how men need to step up to this issue.

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Payte Johnson

A Better Way Of Thinking About Accountability: Trust And Affirmation

If you want to grow in spiritual maturity, you need accountability. However, many of us need to refine the way we think about accountability—less grilling each other in zeal and more trustworthy brothers affirming each other in Christ for the glory of God.

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Riley Adam Voth

Our Concepts Of Authority Are All Messed Up By Jesus’s Birth And Life

Our natural hearts warp authority into something it actually isn’t. However, when we meditate on how Jesus came to us and gained his authority, we get both a deeply challenging and extremely encouraging glimpse of authority that’s undeniably applicable and helpful in our own lives.

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Blake Long

Are You Using Social Media To Be Quarrelsome?

We too often use social media as a platform for arguing and positioning. You can make even a correct statement or valuable opinion about something be an obnoxious sound bite on social media if you don’t converse with gentleness and grace. We are called to do better.

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Obbie Todd

Women Are More Than Synecdoches

It’s a major point of confusion in our society. The way we speak of women, and the way we allow speech about women, indicate the level of respect and dignity we ascribe to our fellow divine image-bearers.

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Riley Adam Voth

Your True Friends Already See You Truly, So Be Honest And Free To Grow

It’s an extremely liberating experience to realize you are already seen and known for who you really are. But even after many of us learn we have this in Christ, we stop walking in it with our friends and community. I’ve seen repeatedly seen this lately and been reminded how enslaving it is.

Kevin Cochrane

What My 1st Year Of College Taught Me About Grace

While a ninety-six percent on a college English paper is a satisfying result, that grade is still a convicting failure in the eyes of the law. Fortunately for us, Jesus fulfilled the letter of the law to every iota and still bore the torment intended for us in order to purchase our redemption.

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Obbie Todd

In A World Of “Daddy Deprivation”, Find a Disciple

Daddy Deprivation. That’s the term Blake Wilson (Senior Pastor of Crossover Community Church in Houston, Texas) calls the trend he’s witnessing today among young people in the church. It’s a phenomenon that Pastor Eric Mason calls an “epidemic of fatherlessness.”

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Nolan Trapp

Do You Listen And Care Or Take The Easy Way Out?

We all get stuck in phone calls or conversations at work with people who take effort — a lot effort. Maybe they gossip, complain, or just go on and on. Often we want to take the easy way out, but we’re called to do better.

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The Majesty's Men Admin

Our Crucial Mentoring Relationships – #HoldFastChats

We’re discussing the important topic of mentoring for this month’s #HoldFastChats! Join multiple contributing guys for live discussions and questions as we dig into this topic in an effort to be encouraging and practical for the good of each other!

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Obbie Todd

A Letter To A Stranger Who Carries Our Future Baby

“I want to say thank you… We love your child—our child—not because of what or who they are, but whose.” A powerful, personal, heartfelt look at the heart of an issue concerning God’s children. To the woman who allows her baby to be adopted, not aborted.

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Andrew Jacobs

Be Humble Or Be Humbled, Peter’s Life Of Learning Humility

If we are to be men of God, cable of being used by God in meaningful ways, we must learn to be humble or we will learn to be humbled. God is clear about this. We see a challenging example of this in the leadership and development of Peter as Jesus discipled him.

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