
All content revolves around our mission: help men joyfully glorify Jesus Christ as king and fulfill their role as leaders in taking dominion in God’s world, every day, in every realm of life. We post articles, audio, videos, book reviews, interviews, and more containing gospel truth, sound theology, practical wisdom, creative inspiration, Godly conviction and encouragement all to fulfill this mission as men. Our posts are created by men of God, for men of God, from a reformed, evangelical, “hard complementarian” (a.k.a. biblical patriarchal) view point. In other words, we’re not embarrassed by God’s word, and we aim to do our duty as leaders in applying it to every aspect of life in God’s world.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

Bruce Sims

The Only Right Way To Respond To Good News From God

How do you respond when you get good news from someone? What if that good news came from God and saved your life; what would you do with such a wonderful gift? Let’s talk about what this response would and should most likely be.

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TMM User

The Future of Marriage In Light Of Our Society’s Gender Issues

The modern attitude toward women has been greatly improved in many ways in this country. However, while the so-called “Women’s Liberation Movement” has fought for and won key cultural battles for gender equality, we shouldn’t assume that it’s done the same for marriage.

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Nolan Trapp

Do You Listen And Care Or Take The Easy Way Out?

We all get stuck in phone calls or conversations at work with people who take effort — a lot effort. Maybe they gossip, complain, or just go on and on. Often we want to take the easy way out, but we’re called to do better.

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The Majesty's Men Admin

Our Crucial Mentoring Relationships – #HoldFastChats

We’re discussing the important topic of mentoring for this month’s #HoldFastChats! Join multiple contributing guys for live discussions and questions as we dig into this topic in an effort to be encouraging and practical for the good of each other!

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Obbie Todd

A Letter To A Stranger Who Carries Our Future Baby

“I want to say thank you… We love your child—our child—not because of what or who they are, but whose.” A powerful, personal, heartfelt look at the heart of an issue concerning God’s children. To the woman who allows her baby to be adopted, not aborted.

Jesse Boggs

Facebook Memories: Visible Evidence Of Your Sanctification

Our use of social media can actually serve to encourage us as we look back on our interactions with others over the years and see Christ shaping us more and more into his image. Here’s one specific and practical way to do this with Facebook!

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Andrew Jacobs

Denying My Social Media Self In An Unsocial World

The cultural norm in our society is to stare at our mobile devices and scroll through our news feeds even instead of talking to those right in front of us. Could this be destroying real community? The motivations and effects of this could be huge!

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Riley Adam Voth

Bro, The Tone In Your Tweets Isn’t Making Me Want To Know Your Savior

What if I told you that your social media reads like someone who doesn’t want to and maybe even couldn’t be friends with a lost person? We all love pithy theological quotes, but we must make sure we’re doing what we’re actually called to do, and it isn’t to convict others.

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Payte Johnson

Are You Merely “Lawful” Or Are You “Helpful” In Social Media?

We can do social media for God’s glory, if we’re using it rightly, and rightly may not be as easy as simply “preaching at” people. A well known bit of scripture, not originally about this, can easily be applied to our social media and the way we connect, or don’t, to people in our circles.

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Jhon Michael Andales

What Do I Do Now? A Call To Share Your Hope! – #GospelFoundations

If you’re a believer in Christ, that is only the beginning of your life. God calls us to so much more and to tell people about our hope in so much more! Evangelizing and making disciples is a command from God that is a standing order.

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Meiko Seymour

What Is My Purpose? It Comes Down To This

Over the last few months I have been struggling with purpose. My purpose. Not just the struggle of finding my purpose but fighting to maintain it when so much around me wants to steal it or reshape it.

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Brad Gray

The Worst, And Best, Pregame Speech Ever Delivered

What you were told the worst pregame speech ever delivered was spoken by The Deliverer, Himself? As God tends to do though, what may look like the worst to us, may be found to the best assurance of hope we have in life.

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Gerald White

How To Practice Christlike Headship And Why We Must

We are called to love our wives and lead our families just as christ has loved and lead us as his people, his church. So let us look at what this biblical headship is and fully understand why we must do this.

TMM User

Making Scripture Practical: “But God…”

Let’s look at a set of tiny but extremely important words in scripture: “But God…” In this, Lance continues to walk us through practical applications of scripture passages in an effort to help us understand and apply our Bible studies in relevant, everyday-life, immediate ways.

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