Warriors Role

We are warriors for a “heavenly kingdom” that’s at war with actual enemies in a fallen, worldly kingdom. We’re not playing defense, we’re on the offense, “tearing down strongholds” and “taking captive our thoughts”. (2 Cor 10:3-5) We lay down our lives for our enemies’ salvation, but we also must protect the flock from wolves who seek to devour us as well. Being a well qualified “warrior” for this kingdom takes great wisdom, training, and Godly character. We’ll discuss it all here in this category – everything from how we battle selfish desires, like porn, that would destroy us, to false profits preaching bad doctrines. For a complete description of our categories, check out the Categories page.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

Riley Adam Voth

On Meek Men, Apologies, And That Trans CrossPolitic Horse That Ain’t Dead Yet

I love our brothers at CrossPolitic and I’m rooting for them whole-heartedly. That’s why, despite the certainty I’ll be accused of belaboring this issue, it’s worth pressing in on the reality that they have the opportunity to model the meekness of Christlike masculinity by admitting their mistake, but, so far, it hasn’t happened.

Derek Ball

Stoop and Build ’em Up

True Christians must not cower in fear of unbelief. True colors are shown when the fruit is not. You can ridicule and curse people in a loving, Christ-like way.

Scott Tungay

Good Leaders Will Pick Good Fights

Our political hellscape is a direct result of Christian apathy and fear over fighting evil. A leader who wants to fight evil is dangerous to cowards. He might start a fight that they would be obligated to show up for.

Derek Ball

A Gang And A Game Plan

If there was ever a time in recent history for men to start forming or joining packs (or militias for that matter), 2021 is that time. Our culture, and much of professed evangelicalism, is attempting to fell you — to overpower you, and to break you.

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Riley Adam Voth

It’s Time For Allies (Who Already Knew We Were At War)

Now is the time for forming alliances with people who were already taking ridicule for saying we were at war years ago, not those who still need convinced a war is on and who the enemy is. Let’s join together for battle.

Jonathan Hayashi

3 Suggestions To Regain Biblical Manhood In And Through The Church

We have a manhood crisis everywhere you look, and the church alone is capable of stepping up and truly helping form men into who they are made to be. Here are three simple suggestions for us as men, and our churches, to begin to regain biblical manhood and see more men with Godly character and conviction rise up.

young adults staring at mobile devices society enthralled with spectacle
The Majesty's Men Admin

Trevin Wax On The Virtue Of Prudence In A Spectacle-Enthralled Society

Trevin Wax shares some wise words for everyone, but especially good for us as men to consider. We naturally feel an urge to stand as warriors (especially where it’s easy: online), fighting injustices and calling out wrongs, but as men of God, we should also be modeling the ability to recognize our limitations, practice wisdom, and care for others. 

Jordan Decker

There Are No Superheroes In The Church; Here’s A Better Way

We all love the idea of superheroes. Yet, there is no such thing — especially in the Church. If you’re willing to admit it, you’ve likely tried to be one at times, and you’ve likely had times you wanted a superhero to take on roles and responsibilities, saving you from needing to do them. This isn’t the way we work in the church though. There’s a better way.

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Jared Sparks

A Simple Critical Switch For Speaking About Complementarity Positively

Because of the societal views (and sadly some “christian” views) on gender, Bible believing Christians need to be more precise in the way we speak about biblical manhood and womanhood. There’s two ways we can talk about gender to someone. The first is the most common way and quite negative; the second is a much better, more biblical, and positive way.

Graphic with face and words saying Abortion Infanticide Democrats. You Should Be Angry.
Riley Adam Voth

Abortion, Infanticide, Democrats. You Should Be Angry. You Should Do More

Yesterday the U.S. Senate Democrats voted down what should have been a slam-dunk easy passage of a bill meant to protect the lives of the most vulnerable. So with this video, let’s talk about the real reason the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act didn’t pass; the undeniable political nature of this; the fact that there’s seemingly no way a Christian can align with Democrats; and, how men need to step up to this issue.

two young men talking behind fence
Payte Johnson

A Better Way Of Thinking About Accountability: Trust And Affirmation

If you want to grow in spiritual maturity, you need accountability. However, many of us need to refine the way we think about accountability—less grilling each other in zeal and more trustworthy brothers affirming each other in Christ for the glory of God.

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Payte Johnson

The Free Gift That Costs You Everything

It’s true we are offered free forgiveness because of Jesus Christ, but don’t be confused or mislead: to be a true follower of Christ will cost you everything. If you see no change and no costs since following Jesus, you probably aren’t actually following him.

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Obbie Todd

Women Are More Than Synecdoches

It’s a major point of confusion in our society. The way we speak of women, and the way we allow speech about women, indicate the level of respect and dignity we ascribe to our fellow divine image-bearers.

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Meiko Seymour

How You Can Make This Next Year Great

I believe one of the most important tenants of being a Godly man is a man who plans and executes. I love what Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” God wants us to have plans and He wants to be a part of them.

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Christopher Sullivan

Jesus: Always Good, Sometimes Nice. Why We Must Learn This

Jesus is much more confrontational, unpleasant, and “unkind” than I would have imagined. His ways and words would often be condemned in many of our churches. But, even though he’s not always nice, he’s always good.

Super Sermons #SuperSermons Series Graphic
The Majesty's Men Admin

The Apostles’ Creed (Part 3) By Matt Chandler — #SuperSermons

As is the natural course of life, things devolve and deteriorate over time. Because of the influence and presence of sin, everything is in a perpetual state of decay. And for all our technological advance, death is still undefeated.

Jose Alvarez

The Trap Of Doing “Big Things” And The True Key To Success

Doing “big things” has become a distraction at best and trap at worst for men in our culture. It’s glorified everywhere we look. Jose tells of his personal discovery in college as to what the true key to success is and what we can each do to truly achieve it.

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Riley Adam Voth

Two Huge Reasons You Aren’t Being Given The Leadership You Want

Young men have many reasons we may not receive the trust and leadership we think we should have, but I’ve recognized from failures both in myself and others I’ve lead, two extremely common and vital traits we must demonstrate rightly to be the leader we think we can be.

Guy Starting Out Window Image For Psalm 51 Guide To Restoration After Sexual Sin
Ryan Northfield

A Thorough Guide For Men After Sexual Sin From Psalm 51 – Part 2

We finish our exploration of Psalm 51 as we learn from David’s failings in sexual sin plus his repentance and restoration in his relationship with God. We see a lesson for ourselves in the difference between outwardly pleasing God versus the joy of true repentance.

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