Warriors Role

We are warriors for a “heavenly kingdom” that’s at war with actual enemies in a fallen, worldly kingdom. We’re not playing defense, we’re on the offense, “tearing down strongholds” and “taking captive our thoughts”. (2 Cor 10:3-5) We lay down our lives for our enemies’ salvation, but we also must protect the flock from wolves who seek to devour us as well. Being a well qualified “warrior” for this kingdom takes great wisdom, training, and Godly character. We’ll discuss it all here in this category – everything from how we battle selfish desires, like porn, that would destroy us, to false profits preaching bad doctrines. For a complete description of our categories, check out the Categories page.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

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Ryan Northfield

A Thorough Guide For Men After Sexual Sin From Psalm 51 – Part 1

Psalm 51 is one of the best guides for us men after we have fallen to sexual sin. If you have recently failed, pick up your “sword” and read this Psalm through. Pray it through. It reveals an excellent way to react to our sin each time we fall.

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TMM User

How To Respond To Jesus Well

How does Jesus deserve, and demand, to be responded to? The famous triad of Liar, Lunatic, or Lord attributed to C.S. Lewis is arguably the overarching question of Mark’s Gospel.

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Craig Kemper

Honoring Our Elected Officials When They Don’t Honor God

Living under leaders who do not honor God is a difficult reality, but it’s a reality given to us with specific instruction from God’s Word to trust God’s sovereign wisdom. This calling is currently becoming more difficult than we’ve ever known, yet more crucial than ever.

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Jordan Decker

The Shortcut To Godliness

Is there really a shortcut in the Christian life? We can truly desire holiness, righteousness, and godliness (and those are good things), but if we try to skip the years of practice and instruction that it can take to get there, and if we try to appear more mature than we are, we are hypocrites.

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Riley Adam Voth

Bro, Maybe You’re Trying Way Too Hard With Your Evangelism

When it comes to sharing our faith, some of us should reconsider our approach a bit. The older I get the more I can look back on times which are quite embarrassing despite how noble my intentions were, and yet, I realize how much of it I caused myself in pride and foolishness.

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Kevin Cochrane

The Trinity’s Triage for Cynicism

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a triage is defined as “the assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses in order to decide the order or suitability of treatment.” If the symptom is cynicism, then 1 Corinthians 13:13 remains the eternal prescription, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.”

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Obbie Todd

In A World Of “Daddy Deprivation”, Find a Disciple

Daddy Deprivation. That’s the term Blake Wilson (Senior Pastor of Crossover Community Church in Houston, Texas) calls the trend he’s witnessing today among young people in the church. It’s a phenomenon that Pastor Eric Mason calls an “epidemic of fatherlessness.”

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Daniel Olushola

The Burden Of Sin Should Not Discourage Your Perseverance

Struggling with sin can be so discouraging it can lead us to question if we’re members of God’s Kingdom at all! This is why it’s important to have a right understanding of how we’re in God’s family, what keeps us here, and what we’re to do with the sin in us until Christ returns.

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Margo Voth

How To Rightly Respond To People Who Refuse Correction

Our responses to difficult people, and life in general, reveal how well we commune with the Holy Spirit and have our security in Jesus Christ. Our responses may also be the best witness of Jesus that we have with the difficult person. So, we must do this rightly.

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Kevin Cochrane

Why The Resurrection Is A Year-Round Rallying Cry

Does your joy in Christ’s resurrection fade after Easter Sunday passes and when life’s struggles confront you? The joy over the empty tomb, and God’s power to make it so, is available 365 days a year! This is where our focus should be when we face trials and pain.

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Jhon Michael Andales

He Offers The Best, Even If We Don’t Realize It

God wants the best for us. It’s just that we are hardwired because of sin to want our own timetable and selfish desires. If we could know what He knows, we would definitely choose to accept what he offers. But, we don’t.

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Jhon Michael Andales

What Do I Do Now? A Call To Share Your Hope! – #GospelFoundations

If you’re a believer in Christ, that is only the beginning of your life. God calls us to so much more and to tell people about our hope in so much more! Evangelizing and making disciples is a command from God that is a standing order.

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Brad Gray

The Worst, And Best, Pregame Speech Ever Delivered

What you were told the worst pregame speech ever delivered was spoken by The Deliverer, Himself? As God tends to do though, what may look like the worst to us, may be found to the best assurance of hope we have in life.

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Nolan Trapp

Self-Control: Being Like Christ For The Good Of Others And Ourselves

As we grow more capable of the fruit of the Spirit manifesting itself through us in self-control, we are able to look past our own selfishness and benefit not only others, but ourselves too! Nolan looks at how this is possible from the truths of scripture.

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Andrew Jacobs

Be Humble Or Be Humbled, Peter’s Life Of Learning Humility

If we are to be men of God, cable of being used by God in meaningful ways, we must learn to be humble or we will learn to be humbled. God is clear about this. We see a challenging example of this in the leadership and development of Peter as Jesus discipled him.

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Payte Johnson

Why We Must Learn To Say “No” To Some Things

Maybe it’s ambition, a desire to be kind, or a desire to please, but whatever it is for you, one of the hardest things we must learn as maturing Christian men is to say, “No” to some things. Payte gives a personal and practical example to help explain why and how this benefits us.

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Payte Johnson

So You Want Something, Or To Be Someone, Greater?

As men we often feel compelled to be “better” or “stronger” or whatever it is that would make us seem “greater” in our minds or the minds of others. But, what is this feeling and what does it mean? Is there a way to actually achieve it? Should we be trying to?

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Daniel Olushola

A Call For Fearless, Knowledgeable Defenders Of The Gospel

There’s a vacancy in the army of God: He’s missing some resolute defenders of the gospel! Not just any fearless believer is helpful though. In an increasingly intelligent and hostile world, we need to know our stuff as well.

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