Lovers Role

When God made man he said it wasn’t good for him to be alone, and he made a woman for us to partner with as co-heirs of his Kingdom. Equal in standing before God, but different in roles and responsibilities, we compliment each other perfectly! It’s an awesome relationships, yet loving like Christ loves his church is no easy task! With this category we speak on romance, passion, covenant relationships, marriage, and all the beautiful and ugly that comes with them! For a complete description of our categories, check out the Categories page.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

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Shawn Mathis

Feminism And The Queer Movement Both Create The Same Harm

It’s not often the “women-liberating,” “progressive christians” want to reframe a topic to move it AWAY from cultural norms , but when it comes to gender roles, they’ll invent terms like “Christo-centric gender” to sound oh-so-faithful. Yet, their new “Christo-centric” gender roles unsurprisingly still conform closer to the spirit of the age than the tried-and-true roles God designed.

Owen Strachan

Why Men Pursue Those We’re Called To Love

The reason we know we are to pursue those we’re called to love lies in the reality of who God is and who we are as his covenant people. The reality of God’s divine love we experience should overflow into the daily love others experience from us.

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Jared Sparks

A Simple Critical Switch For Speaking About Complementarity Positively

Because of the societal views (and sadly some “christian” views) on gender, Bible believing Christians need to be more precise in the way we speak about biblical manhood and womanhood. There’s two ways we can talk about gender to someone. The first is the most common way and quite negative; the second is a much better, more biblical, and positive way.

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Obbie Todd

Women Are More Than Synecdoches

It’s a major point of confusion in our society. The way we speak of women, and the way we allow speech about women, indicate the level of respect and dignity we ascribe to our fellow divine image-bearers.

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TMM User

Are Men Superior To Women?

What should Christians think about men and women in comparison? Are men superior to women? The answer has as much to do with marriage as it does with March Madness.

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TMM User

The Future of Marriage In Light Of Our Society’s Gender Issues

The modern attitude toward women has been greatly improved in many ways in this country. However, while the so-called “Women’s Liberation Movement” has fought for and won key cultural battles for gender equality, we shouldn’t assume that it’s done the same for marriage.

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Gerald White

How To Practice Christlike Headship And Why We Must

We are called to love our wives and lead our families just as christ has loved and lead us as his people, his church. So let us look at what this biblical headship is and fully understand why we must do this.

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The Majesty's Men Admin

Real Struggles & Godly Wisdom In Romantic Relationships – #HoldFastChats

With love in the air, we thought this would be a good month to talk all things relationships with a focus on the romantic — dating, sex, purity, and marriage! Brew your best cup of coffee, have your questions ready, and let’s discuss relationships with some of the guys on Saturday morning! View it here!

Jessie Courson

The Lion And The Caretaker

From collaborating artist, Jessie Courson: poetry, scripture, design, and an awesome new product on men, women, marriage, and our calling to love like our example, Jesus Christ, loves his church!

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Andrew Jacobs

Searching For The Meaning And Source Of True Love

What is “true love” and why do we use this word so often, vaguely, and flippantly. Let’s look at what “love” actually is – what the word means and what the feeling and concept means – as well as what it has meant in past societies like the Greeks who had more words for it.

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Riley Adam Voth

When You Say You Love Her But Just Have Too Many Differences

You’re dating a girl but then breakup cause you’re “too different”. Sounds decent, right? Society and churches allow it. Our fellow fooled bros are cool with it. However, brothers that know better need to speak up about this, because our big brother, Jesus, taught us differently.

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Riley Adam Voth

Are You Photoshopping Your Ideal Conception Of A Woman?

This short video stirs both sobering questions and a bit of sorrow. We must ask ourselves some important questions about whether we’re photoshopping a false ideal in our hearts and minds that will feed a hurtful cycle, rather than guarding ourselves, our brothers, and our sisters.

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Margo Voth

A Woman’s Perspective On What A Manly Heart Really Is

Men are taught and modeled many wrong things about being manly. From a woman’s perspective, here’s what having a manly heart should be all about – complete with an epic story of a truly manly man.

Nolan Trapp

Love: The Most Important Flavor In The Fruit Of The Spirit

The greatest commandments. The first fruit of the Spirit. Love. But are we loving as God actually commanded us to? What does it mean to truly have “love” as a fruit of the spirit? How does this play out in our lives? Nolan examines some key Bible verses that help us begin to understand what this really looks like.

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Riley Adam Voth

Know How To Love And Be Loved? Here’s The One And Only Way

I believe there’s one and only one way to know if you are truly loving and being loved. If you don’t know this, or the person you are expecting to love you doesn’t know this, then you can be sure you aren’t actually loving or being loved.

Isaac Hecker


“The wonder of marriage is woven into the wonder of the gospel of the cross of Christ, and the message of the cross is foolishness to

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