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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg the Moloch high priestess
Riley Adam Voth

Death Of Ruth Bader Ginsburg; Right Sorrow. Right Gladness. Right Message.

As Christians, we should have a sort of sorrow even when a High Priestess of Moloch dies. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an eternal human soul, has now met the one and only Supreme Judge. And, it’s a terrible thing for the wicked to fall into His holy hands. Yet, this should embolden our declaration of truth.

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Riley Adam Voth

It’s Time For Allies (Who Already Knew We Were At War)

Now is the time for forming alliances with people who were already taking ridicule for saying we were at war years ago, not those who still need convinced a war is on and who the enemy is. Let’s join together for battle.

The Majesty's Men Admin

John Adams Understood America’s Current Problems, Back In 1798

In 1798, John Adams understood what is going on in America today better than many of our so-called pastors do and he explained it more clearly and boldly. Maybe that’s why he helped create such a fine country. Don’t be ashamed of the U.S.A. Give it the Gospel.

young adults staring at mobile devices society enthralled with spectacle
The Majesty's Men Admin

Trevin Wax On The Virtue Of Prudence In A Spectacle-Enthralled Society

Trevin Wax shares some wise words for everyone, but especially good for us as men to consider. We naturally feel an urge to stand as warriors (especially where it’s easy: online), fighting injustices and calling out wrongs, but as men of God, we should also be modeling the ability to recognize our limitations, practice wisdom, and care for others. 

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Payte Johnson

The Free Gift That Costs You Everything

It’s true we are offered free forgiveness because of Jesus Christ, but don’t be confused or mislead: to be a true follower of Christ will cost you everything. If you see no change and no costs since following Jesus, you probably aren’t actually following him.

Kevin Cochrane

The Apostle Paul, Johnny Cash, & the Long Reach of God’s Grace

If there was ever a man to narrate Paul’s Damascus Road encounter with Christ,  singer-songwriter and Christian Johnny Cash could ably fill your ears with the opening chords of his cover of the traditional folk song, “God’s Gonna Cut You Down.”

Kevin Cochrane

Joining a Bible Study? A Few Tips to Survive and Thrive

Whether for new or seasoned believers, a Bible study offers key elements that make up a believer’s walk on earth from the fellowship to the study of the Scriptures. Here are vital pointers from one guy to another to help you get out of the way and make the most of your time.

execute plans
Meiko Seymour

How You Can Make This Next Year Great

I believe one of the most important tenants of being a Godly man is a man who plans and executes. I love what Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” God wants us to have plans and He wants to be a part of them.

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Riley Adam Voth

We Already Have A Perfect Ruler In Power – [Video]

We’ve seen a lot of people place their faith in horrible candidates for rulers lately. This video of this talk given from a political science professor to a collegiate ministry is an excellent reminder of who has always been the perfect ruler we’re longing for.

Christopher Sullivan

The Iceberg of Judgment

As a lifelong overly critical person, I’ve learned a lot about being judgmental. Below I go in depth into ways I’ve wrongly judged people, the difference between good and bad judgment, how we justify our judgmental attitudes and more. It’s a deep and ugly sin that I hope this post exposes!

Kevin Cochrane

Why We Must Be Faithful Followers With Long Memories

Satan schemes day and night to sully the character of God in our eyes. He urges us to draw a line between the history of God and our current estimation of God’s potential to will and to work in our lives. Satan wants you to be divorced from God’s record of faithfulness.

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The Majesty's Men Admin

The Gospel Frees The Slaves By Jim Blalock — #SuperSermons

Pastors can often be caught preaching from similar passages on repeat, but this isn’t the case with this sermon, in which pastor Jim Blalock delivers a message on forgiveness, atonement, and essentially, the gospel, as seen in the letter to Philemon.

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Jacob Riggs

We Counted The Cost Of Being A Disciple, But For What?

Most of us become believers knowing that it means being a disciple of Christ. Most of us know being a disciple of Christ is costly. We “count the costs” and live strong, but do we lose track of what our reward truly is?

Growing Spiritually Growth As Men Of God Hold Fast Chats Show Blog Graphic
The Majesty's Men Admin

How To Be Sure To Have A Summer Of Growth – #HoldFastChats

Our monthly roundtable discussion with guys from the community for our #HoldFastChats show! We’re chatting about how we can be sure to grow as men of God over the summer. Tune in and join us live and ask us questions during and after the show!

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Craig Kemper

Honoring Our Elected Officials When They Don’t Honor God

Living under leaders who do not honor God is a difficult reality, but it’s a reality given to us with specific instruction from God’s Word to trust God’s sovereign wisdom. This calling is currently becoming more difficult than we’ve ever known, yet more crucial than ever.

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Meiko Seymour

What Is My Purpose? It Comes Down To This

Over the last few months I have been struggling with purpose. My purpose. Not just the struggle of finding my purpose but fighting to maintain it when so much around me wants to steal it or reshape it.

#HoldFastChats Gospel Foundations Discussion Topic Thumbnail
The Majesty's Men Admin

Living Out Accurate Foundational Gospel Beliefs – #HoldFastChats

We’re relaunching #HoldFastChats in pair with our #GospelFoundations series. As with all HFCs, we’re answering this question: “What truths do we as guys need to “hold fast” to in regards to this topic (gospel foundations) and how would you encourage us to do so?”

Jordan Decker

Is There Danger in “Taking Back America”?

When we rally to “Take America Back”, what are we really meaning, and more importantly, what are our hearts believing? While the heart behind this might appear acceptable, there is potential danger in it. The reality may disappoint you for the future of America.

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