
All content revolves around our mission: help men joyfully glorify Jesus Christ as king and fulfill their role as leaders in taking dominion in God’s world, every day, in every realm of life. We post articles, audio, videos, book reviews, interviews, and more containing gospel truth, sound theology, practical wisdom, creative inspiration, Godly conviction and encouragement all to fulfill this mission as men. Our posts are created by men of God, for men of God, from a reformed, evangelical, “hard complementarian” (a.k.a. biblical patriarchal) view point. In other words, we’re not embarrassed by God’s word, and we aim to do our duty as leaders in applying it to every aspect of life in God’s world.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

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The Majesty's Men Admin

Ligon Duncan Shares A Wise And Godly Strategy For Social Media Use

Ligon Duncan give us a Godly and wise social media strategy as well as an example of what responsible leadership in the public sphere looks like. With a quick thread of tweets he outlines 10 simple strategic commitments he has for his social media use that we’d all do well to emulate. In fact, it’s great advice even when not on social media.

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Payte Johnson

The Free Gift That Costs You Everything

It’s true we are offered free forgiveness because of Jesus Christ, but don’t be confused or mislead: to be a true follower of Christ will cost you everything. If you see no change and no costs since following Jesus, you probably aren’t actually following him.

Kevin Cochrane

The Apostle Paul, Johnny Cash, & the Long Reach of God’s Grace

If there was ever a man to narrate Paul’s Damascus Road encounter with Christ,  singer-songwriter and Christian Johnny Cash could ably fill your ears with the opening chords of his cover of the traditional folk song, “God’s Gonna Cut You Down.”

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Obbie Todd

Women Are More Than Synecdoches

It’s a major point of confusion in our society. The way we speak of women, and the way we allow speech about women, indicate the level of respect and dignity we ascribe to our fellow divine image-bearers.

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Riley Adam Voth

Your True Friends Already See You Truly, So Be Honest And Free To Grow

It’s an extremely liberating experience to realize you are already seen and known for who you really are. But even after many of us learn we have this in Christ, we stop walking in it with our friends and community. I’ve seen repeatedly seen this lately and been reminded how enslaving it is.

Kevin Cochrane

Joining a Bible Study? A Few Tips to Survive and Thrive

Whether for new or seasoned believers, a Bible study offers key elements that make up a believer’s walk on earth from the fellowship to the study of the Scriptures. Here are vital pointers from one guy to another to help you get out of the way and make the most of your time.

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Meiko Seymour

How You Can Make This Next Year Great

I believe one of the most important tenants of being a Godly man is a man who plans and executes. I love what Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” God wants us to have plans and He wants to be a part of them.

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Kevin Cochrane

An Opportunity For Post-Election Evangelism

Whether it means having a one-time discussion, discipling someone, or running for state/local/national office, as young men in Christ, we have the opportunity to be the standard bearers in politics and culture.

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Riley Adam Voth

We Already Have A Perfect Ruler In Power – [Video]

We’ve seen a lot of people place their faith in horrible candidates for rulers lately. This video of this talk given from a political science professor to a collegiate ministry is an excellent reminder of who has always been the perfect ruler we’re longing for.

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Christopher Sullivan

Jesus: Always Good, Sometimes Nice. Why We Must Learn This

Jesus is much more confrontational, unpleasant, and “unkind” than I would have imagined. His ways and words would often be condemned in many of our churches. But, even though he’s not always nice, he’s always good.

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The Majesty's Men Admin

The Apostles’ Creed (Part 3) By Matt Chandler — #SuperSermons

As is the natural course of life, things devolve and deteriorate over time. Because of the influence and presence of sin, everything is in a perpetual state of decay. And for all our technological advance, death is still undefeated.

Obbie Todd

Jonathan Edwards on the Knowledge of God and Self

R.C. Sproul once said that Jonathan Edwards’ monumental Freedom of the Will (1754) stands as “the most important theological work ever published in America.” Such high praise is indicative of Edwards’ genius and his ability to speak with relevance to the church.

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The Majesty's Men Admin

Working Our Jobs For The Glory Of God – #HoldFastChats

It’s been a bit since the last #HoldFastChats roundtable discussion, but we’re diving back in this month with a big topic to go along with our new Workers category. We’re discussing and exploring what it means to work our jobs for the glory of God! Join us!

The Majesty's Men Admin

Announcing A New “Workers” Category Of Content, Because, Reality

We’ve known we needed something more for quite a while. So after months and months of work on this, we are excited to roll out a new category of content on The Majesty’s Men. Here’s what it’s all about and how you can contribute to it!

Christopher Sullivan

The Iceberg of Judgment

As a lifelong overly critical person, I’ve learned a lot about being judgmental. Below I go in depth into ways I’ve wrongly judged people, the difference between good and bad judgment, how we justify our judgmental attitudes and more. It’s a deep and ugly sin that I hope this post exposes!

Kevin Cochrane

Why We Must Be Faithful Followers With Long Memories

Satan schemes day and night to sully the character of God in our eyes. He urges us to draw a line between the history of God and our current estimation of God’s potential to will and to work in our lives. Satan wants you to be divorced from God’s record of faithfulness.

Jose Alvarez

The Trap Of Doing “Big Things” And The True Key To Success

Doing “big things” has become a distraction at best and trap at worst for men in our culture. It’s glorified everywhere we look. Jose tells of his personal discovery in college as to what the true key to success is and what we can each do to truly achieve it.

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Riley Adam Voth

Two Huge Reasons You Aren’t Being Given The Leadership You Want

Young men have many reasons we may not receive the trust and leadership we think we should have, but I’ve recognized from failures both in myself and others I’ve lead, two extremely common and vital traits we must demonstrate rightly to be the leader we think we can be.

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