Warriors Role

We are warriors for a “heavenly kingdom” that’s at war with actual enemies in a fallen, worldly kingdom. We’re not playing defense, we’re on the offense, “tearing down strongholds” and “taking captive our thoughts”. (2 Cor 10:3-5) We lay down our lives for our enemies’ salvation, but we also must protect the flock from wolves who seek to devour us as well. Being a well qualified “warrior” for this kingdom takes great wisdom, training, and Godly character. We’ll discuss it all here in this category – everything from how we battle selfish desires, like porn, that would destroy us, to false profits preaching bad doctrines. For a complete description of our categories, check out the Categories page.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

pride comes before fall never celebrate too early
Riley Adam Voth

Remember, Pride Comes Before The Fall (Sometimes Literally) – [Video]

We never want to revel in someone else’s failure, but we do want to learn from it. We can learn a lot from the realm of sports and one of the strongest lessons: remember, pride comes before the fall… and like this video shows, sometimes, quite literally. Much work ahead, and not for our glory!

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Gerald White

The Top 10 Books I Enjoyed In 2015! What Were Yours?

One of our avid readers in the community, Gerald White, shares his top 10 favorite books from last year and why they top his list. Now we want to hear yours as well! Share some recommended reading with the community!

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Nolan Trapp

Faithfulness: A Powerful Fruit Grown By Powerful Promises

The “faithfulness” aspect of the “fruit of the spirit” is grown by believing God’s promises, and this fruit from God enables us to overcome many difficulties of life while remaining hopeful of a great eternity! Nolan points us to many of these reminders here!

prosperity gospel
TMM User

3 Reasons I Abhor the Prosperity “Gospel”

The “Gospel” of Prosperity says you were created for greatness, but the Gospel of Grace says you were created to behold greatness. Teaching anything else is a destructive and misleading teaching.

love christ flirt with world the majestys men
Reece Edwards

When We Love Christ But Flirt With The World – A Practical Examination

We begin a series of posts that help us practically examine our lives and the realities that cause us to veer into “worldliness” even though our mouths, and hopefully hearts, would claim to love Christ. This begins with what we’re doing, or not doing, in regards to feeding our minds and souls daily.

the majestys men pray for isis gnarly beach
Brad Gray

What If We Were Praying For The People Of ISIS?

God’s reach of grace is not hindered by your past, nor is it shortened on account of your sin…even for terrorists. It’s understandable to hate, fear, and pray against what ISIS is doing. But, what if we as believers were praying FOR the people of ISIS? What could that do?

Super Sermons #SuperSermons Series Graphic
The Majesty's Men Admin

The Sanctity Of Human Life by Matt Chandler – #SuperSermons

Some messages are #SuperSermons because of their timeless value, then some because of their absolutely “dialed-in” timely message. This is one of the latter. If you’ve seen clips of this message recently, watch the whole message for both an education on preaching, and a challenge on convictions.

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Anthony Fox

A Godly Man Keeps His Heart and Mind Pure (Not Just Sexually Speaking)

One of the greatest needs, and struggles, for men is purity, and not just sexually, but more so our ability to keep our heart and mind pure. This affects how we act, what we say, and everything else about us. So let’s talk about how we keep pure, together…

fruit of spirit kindness
Nolan Trapp

Kindness: Real Power In A Mean World

Let’s look at the fruit of kindness and it’s importance in our daily lives. Why do we need it and what might it look like? This one “fruit of the spirit” can do a lot to set us apart as men of God in a rough world.

man and cow manly heart hard work
Margo Voth

A Woman’s Perspective On What A Manly Heart Really Is

Men are taught and modeled many wrong things about being manly. From a woman’s perspective, here’s what having a manly heart should be all about – complete with an epic story of a truly manly man.

Super Sermons #SuperSermons Series Graphic
The Majesty's Men Admin

The Glory of God In Moral Purity by Paul Washer – #SuperSermons

An amazing and super challenging message from a tell-it-like-it-is man of God, Paul Washer. This is emotional and convicting, and will leave you saying, “Why do I not think and live in such a way!?” just like a #SuperSermon should!

patience godly man fruit of spirit
Nolan Trapp

Patience: Benefits We Have To Wait For…

We all hear, “Patience is a virtue!” but what is patience? It’s easy to say we have it, but do we? Is it actually Godly? How does patience look? Does it help anything?

peace made possible by Jesus
Nolan Trapp

Peace: A Vital Fruit In The Struggle Of Life

Peace is something many of us seek in this world. How does God promise us peace? Where can we find it? Where does peace come from? As a fruit of the Spirit, we are given peace unlike what the world can experience.

reasons to persevere running
TMM User

Seven Reasons to Persevere from Hebrews 9-10

In a world full of court rulings, ISIS beheading videos, and our own indwelling sin, the Church needs to hear the message of Hebrews afresh. The author of Hebrews gives us many arguments for why we should feel encouraged to persevere!

powerful gift of music the majestys men
Andrew Jacobs

A Former DJs Take On Our Tunes: Speaking From the Lyrics of My Heart

As a former DJ and a musician, Andy gives us an honest, insightful, and deeply challenging look at the music we listen to and how it both reflects what is in our heart as well as enforces what goes into it. You cannot read this without being challenged!

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