Scholars Role

It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. (Prov 25:2) Ever thought about that verse? We glorify God, and find much enjoyment, by continually studying who he is, what he’s done, and who we are as he made us. With this category we talk about anything from theology to scientific discoveries and all sorts of brainy and booky things that give us wisdom and insight. So, ask questions or give answers; have at it! For a complete description of our categories, check out the Categories page.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

Joshua Jenkins

For Masculine Christianity: A Review

I was expecting “Masculine Christianity” to read something like a shock-jock, masculine-pilled, cage-stager that had nothing but polemical zingers (I don’t know Zachary Garris obviously). Chapter by chapter, Garris takes up new opponents and their twistings of Holy Writ. The manner in which Garris does this is itself masculine.

Kevin Cochrane

Joining a Bible Study? A Few Tips to Survive and Thrive

Whether for new or seasoned believers, a Bible study offers key elements that make up a believer’s walk on earth from the fellowship to the study of the Scriptures. Here are vital pointers from one guy to another to help you get out of the way and make the most of your time.

Super Sermons #SuperSermons Series Graphic
The Majesty's Men Admin

The Apostles’ Creed (Part 3) By Matt Chandler — #SuperSermons

As is the natural course of life, things devolve and deteriorate over time. Because of the influence and presence of sin, everything is in a perpetual state of decay. And for all our technological advance, death is still undefeated.

Obbie Todd

Jonathan Edwards on the Knowledge of God and Self

R.C. Sproul once said that Jonathan Edwards’ monumental Freedom of the Will (1754) stands as “the most important theological work ever published in America.” Such high praise is indicative of Edwards’ genius and his ability to speak with relevance to the church.

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TMM User

Are Men Superior To Women?

What should Christians think about men and women in comparison? Are men superior to women? The answer has as much to do with marriage as it does with March Madness.

Guy Starting Out Window Image For Psalm 51 Guide To Restoration After Sexual Sin
Ryan Northfield

A Thorough Guide For Men After Sexual Sin From Psalm 51 – Part 2

We finish our exploration of Psalm 51 as we learn from David’s failings in sexual sin plus his repentance and restoration in his relationship with God. We see a lesson for ourselves in the difference between outwardly pleasing God versus the joy of true repentance.

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Ryan Northfield

A Thorough Guide For Men After Sexual Sin From Psalm 51 – Part 1

Psalm 51 is one of the best guides for us men after we have fallen to sexual sin. If you have recently failed, pick up your “sword” and read this Psalm through. Pray it through. It reveals an excellent way to react to our sin each time we fall.

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TMM User

How To Respond To Jesus Well

How does Jesus deserve, and demand, to be responded to? The famous triad of Liar, Lunatic, or Lord attributed to C.S. Lewis is arguably the overarching question of Mark’s Gospel.

Kevin Cochrane

What My 1st Year Of College Taught Me About Grace

While a ninety-six percent on a college English paper is a satisfying result, that grade is still a convicting failure in the eyes of the law. Fortunately for us, Jesus fulfilled the letter of the law to every iota and still bore the torment intended for us in order to purchase our redemption.

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Ben Housman

Are We Explaining And Sharing The Gospel Well, Or Even Correctly?

Although evangelism is commonly discussed by many church leaders, there is reason for concern if you pay close attention to how many are explaining it. Let’s look at three of the most common and crucial mistakes as seen by how so many well-meaning Christians actually share the gospel message.

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Jhon Michael Andales

What Do I Do Now? A Call To Share Your Hope! – #GospelFoundations

If you’re a believer in Christ, that is only the beginning of your life. God calls us to so much more and to tell people about our hope in so much more! Evangelizing and making disciples is a command from God that is a standing order.

TMM User

Making Scripture Practical: “But God…”

Let’s look at a set of tiny but extremely important words in scripture: “But God…” In this, Lance continues to walk us through practical applications of scripture passages in an effort to help us understand and apply our Bible studies in relevant, everyday-life, immediate ways.

David Qaoud John Calvin Thing You Didn't Know Book The Majesty's Men
The Majesty's Men Admin

A Journey To Calvinism & Free E-Book, Interview With David Qaoud

We “sit down” with friend and brother of faith, David Qaoud, to discuss life and his journey into his theological views, his free e-book he wrote, “6 Things You Didn’t Know About John Calvin”, and some thoughts on the reformed theology resurgence among young men.

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Blake Long

Are Altar Calls Really Worth Much?

Altar calls or no altar calls? Can they truly have value or can they actually be dangerous and misleading? Blake shares his personal story and experiences as we think through this common ministry practice.

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Daniel Olushola

A Call For Fearless, Knowledgeable Defenders Of The Gospel

There’s a vacancy in the army of God: He’s missing some resolute defenders of the gospel! Not just any fearless believer is helpful though. In an increasingly intelligent and hostile world, we need to know our stuff as well.

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TMM User

Making Scripture Practical: Predestination

Could it be that predestination actually affects our lives in ways beyond good debates with your Christian brothers? Lance examines Ephesians chapter one and the implications of predestination for our lives according to this passage.

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