Psalm 38 – Memorial in Suffering

Psalm 38 is a difficult memorial: to reflect on our sin during times of suffering. While Scripture affirms that suffering happens to the just and…

Psalm 29 – Ascribe to the Lord

Psalm 29 thunders at both earthly and heavenly powers to recognize God as sovereign and powerful and I pray you will join in ascribing honor…

Ep. 37 – Keeping Christ in Mind

In order to follow Jesus' example, and live sacrificially, we must keep Christ at the forefront of our mind. If we don't keep Christ in mind, it's eas…

Ep. 29 – How God Is Moving in Japan

God is always at work, even when we can't see it. Sometimes we can't see it because God is moving on the other side of the world. Hearing about Gospel…

Ep. 19 – The Whole Trinity Saves

Salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone is not a work accomplished by the Son of God alone — the entire Trinity is involved in every salvat…