
All content revolves around our mission: help men joyfully glorify Jesus Christ as king and fulfill their role as leaders in taking dominion in God’s world, every day, in every realm of life. We post articles, audio, videos, book reviews, interviews, and more containing gospel truth, sound theology, practical wisdom, creative inspiration, Godly conviction and encouragement all to fulfill this mission as men. Our posts are created by men of God, for men of God, from a reformed, evangelical, “hard complementarian” (a.k.a. biblical patriarchal) view point. In other words, we’re not embarrassed by God’s word, and we aim to do our duty as leaders in applying it to every aspect of life in God’s world.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

peace made possible by Jesus
Nolan Trapp

Peace: A Vital Fruit In The Struggle Of Life

Peace is something many of us seek in this world. How does God promise us peace? Where can we find it? Where does peace come from? As a fruit of the Spirit, we are given peace unlike what the world can experience.

reasons to persevere running
TMM User

Seven Reasons to Persevere from Hebrews 9-10

In a world full of court rulings, ISIS beheading videos, and our own indwelling sin, the Church needs to hear the message of Hebrews afresh. The author of Hebrews gives us many arguments for why we should feel encouraged to persevere!

powerful gift of music the majestys men
Andrew Jacobs

A Former DJs Take On Our Tunes: Speaking From the Lyrics of My Heart

As a former DJ and a musician, Andy gives us an honest, insightful, and deeply challenging look at the music we listen to and how it both reflects what is in our heart as well as enforces what goes into it. You cannot read this without being challenged!

Nolan Trapp

Love: The Most Important Flavor In The Fruit Of The Spirit

The greatest commandments. The first fruit of the Spirit. Love. But are we loving as God actually commanded us to? What does it mean to truly have “love” as a fruit of the spirit? How does this play out in our lives? Nolan examines some key Bible verses that help us begin to understand what this really looks like.

Dustin Wallace

The Most Complicated Part Of Ministry – The Four “Rs”

Doing gospel ministry well means doing administrative work, teaching, and a great deal of relational work. One of the most important aspects for everyone is the relational aspect, but it is usually the most complex and difficult. Dustin breaks this down four types of relationships that we must understand.

why must be born again death dead need new birth
TMM User

Why You Must Be Born Again

In a previous post, we talked about being “born again” and what this means. Now let’s look at WHY we need to be born again and know we’ve experienced this “new birth”. Because without understanding this, God’s word says you’re dead!

love live through him the majestys men
Riley Adam Voth

Know How To Love And Be Loved? Here’s The One And Only Way

I believe there’s one and only one way to know if you are truly loving and being loved. If you don’t know this, or the person you are expecting to love you doesn’t know this, then you can be sure you aren’t actually loving or being loved.

must be born again
TMM User

Why We Must Be Born Again And What This Means – #GospelFoundations

What did Jesus mean when he said, “You must be born again” and what do many Americans seem to think it means? There seems to be a big difference. This difference is a big problem for anyone thinking they’re “saved”, because a closer look at scripture shows being “born again” is not something you and I just say.

kings crown God for us or himself
TMM User

Is God For Us Or For Himself? Yes.

Have you ever wondered why God has gone to such great lengths to save mankind and build his relationship back with us? We hear that he “loves us so much” and he’s “obsessed with us” but also that “all is for his glory!” So which is it? Is he all about us or himself? Which is right? Can they both be? Lance examines some scripture and reasoning that will help you figure this out.

Meiko Seymour

God Does Not Abandon

Have you ever had those times when nothing seems to go right? When you can’t seem to catch a break? When you can’t understand why things are happening? Meiko tells of a recent personal time this happened and the reassurance God can give. Can you relate?

TMM User

There Are No Rogue Christians

Do you believe the Christian life can be lived alone? Lance makes a biblical case for why, if you are a Christian, you will be a member of a local church. No exceptions. Do you agree? What’s your experience with this?

the majestys men instagram quotes godly manly
The Majesty's Men Admin

Have You Seen!? We’re On Instagram!

If you haven’t seen it yet, you’ll want to hop over to Instagram and give @TheMajestysMen a quick follow and a few double taps! We’ll definitely give you a follow as well! Also, here are some samples of what we’re posting and how you can both benefit from and help the cause!

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