Here we find Joseph in prison, as we left him at the end of Genesis 39. Though unjustly imprisoned, it was not without providence. For Joseph, prison is not punishment, but preparation. God is preparing, sanctifying, testing, and teaching Joseph to trust in Him. Whatever “pit” we find ourselves in, let us remember that it […]
Commentary and Gospel Thoughts on Genesis 39v6b-23
Introductory Comments The fight against sin and temptation is a fundamental element of the Christian life and it is a fundamental fight that we never stop fighting until we cross the finish line. Many faint at the first sound of shots, others fall out along the way, but even some are shot down near the […]
A Gospel Application from Genesis 34
Genesis 34 is a dark and difficult chapter in Jacob and his family’s life. To begin the chapter, Dinah, Jacob’s daughter, is raped. As the story unfolds, the young man, Shechem, who took advantage of Dinah, ends up wanting to marry her. Dinah’s brothers who are justifiably outraged, deceitfully strike a deal with people of […]
Crazy Good News
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news that guilty sinners are reconciled to a holy and just God through the perfect life, sacrificial death, bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus to the right hand of God where he sits even now interceding for his people. That’s a fairly packed sentence. But it only […]
All Due to Grace
All that I was, my sin my guilt, My death was all mine own; All that I am, I owe to Thee, My gracious God, alone. The evil of my former state Was mine, and only mine; The good in which I now rejoice Is Thine, and only Thine. The darkness of my […]