Verse 5 begins as a link to the previous 4 verses where the apostle John laid a foundation of the person and work of Christ as the foundation upon which what we read here today is built upon. In the opening verses we were also introduced to the theme of fellowship with God and other […]
An Analysis of John 4:20-24 – Worshiping in Spirit and Truth
INTRODUCTION The purpose of all creation is to worship the true and living God in a way that he has commanded. The New Testament makes it clear that God is seeking worshippers who will worship him “in spirit and truth” (John 4:24) – but what does that mean? This paper seeks to analyze John 4:20-24 […]
Commentary and Gospel Thoughts on Genesis 39v1-6a
In Genesis 39 the narrative focus shifts back to Joseph, after a short detour in chapter 38 (of which provides stark contrasts with chapter 39). Verse 1: This chapter begins by picking up right where the end of chapter 37 left off; with Joseph being sold to Potiphar, an Egyptian, an officer of Pharaoh, the captain […]
A Provision of Peace
This post is based on Genesis 21v22-34. It would be best to read that passage first, then read this post. Peace, much like happiness, is something that every human being wants and craves, if they do not have it. Peace is a good thing. A lack of peace often keeps us up at night. A […]
Come Thou Fount Part 1
“Come, thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing they grace; streams of mercy , never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above. Praise the mount – I’m fixed upon it – mount of God’s redeeming love.” Come Thou Fount was written in 1758 […]