Last week we looked at these same verses, but we focused primarily on the antichrist while this week we will focus on the Christian. Within this passage there is a contrast set up between the antichrist and the Christian. So as we look at the things regarding the Christian in this passage we will keep […]
Do Not Love the World: Commentary on 1 John 2:15-17
Introduction We often hear it said that Christians are to be all about love and acceptance. We are to love anything and everything about anybody with no distinctions, no judging, and no nothing. While it is true that Christians are to be known by their love, it is a love that is […]
Because Your Sins Are Forgiven: Commentary on 1 John 2:12-14
Introduction So here we are now to verse 12-14 of 1 John chapter 2, where John seems to take an interesting break from his flow of thought, as we saw last week how true Christians are those who love one another, and then the following verses after verse 14, which we will come […]
The True Light is Already Shining: Commentary on 1 John 2v7-11
As we examined the previous verses last week, we saw the moral test for our assurance – that we can know that we have come to know God if we obey his commandments. Because those that love God obey Him, and walk as the Lord Jesus Christ walked. As we move into our verses […]