Click HERE for Audio The Greatness of Constantine Constantine was born in 280 and died in 337 A. D. He was the son of a Roman Caesar during the tetrarchy, and he became Emperor and united Rome once again during his life. Constantine was a great warrior, fighter, general, and leader of men. He was […]
In this lecture I teach on Josephus and the Jewish War for Hope Baptist Church’s church history class. My notes were not manuscripted so all you get is the audio. I also wrote and drew things on a white board while teaching, so sorry you don’t get to see that either. Click HERE for sermon […]
Why History Matters
Introduction Why Church history? Why history? Why does what happened 1,500 years ago, or 500 years ago, or 50 years matter to us today? Who cares? What’s the point? These are questions and thoughts that many modern evangelicals really think. Maybe some of you kind of feel the same way as we begin this Church […]
Fill the Organs with Cement
Introduction Here we are on the final Lord’s Day of October, the year of our Lord 2021, and God has been very good to us. We have received grace upon grace through the Lord Jesus and for that, we give thanks. As you know, we have been preaching on Exclusive Psalmody and have also talked […]
A Biblical-Historical Case for Exclusive Psalmody
Introduction On this Lord’s Day, we will once again concern ourselves with the matter of what we are to sing in the public worship of God. As has been stated in the previous weeks, the elders of Hope Baptist Church have come under the conviction of the Exclusive Psalmody position, which can be succinctly stated […]