In Genesis 34 there is a young man named Shechem who rapes Jacob’s daughter, Dinah. It is a terrible thing. Strangely, Shechem falls in love with Dinah, the girl he most certainly did not love while he was taking advantage of her. In love as he is, Shechem goes to Jacob to seek Dinah’s hand […]
The Spectacles of Scripture
One of the greatest conundrums in the history of our world is that the creator of the universe is so evident, and yet his creation is so oblivious. The heavens declare the glory of God, yet the created beings declare the glory of absence. Rather than seeing the evident common grace of God in every […]
A Gospel Application from Genesis 34
Genesis 34 is a dark and difficult chapter in Jacob and his family’s life. To begin the chapter, Dinah, Jacob’s daughter, is raped. As the story unfolds, the young man, Shechem, who took advantage of Dinah, ends up wanting to marry her. Dinah’s brothers who are justifiably outraged, deceitfully strike a deal with people of […]
Where is Your Treasure?
When most of us think of treasure, we think of Pirates. It was not long ago that Pirates were among the most feared men who walked the earth. Edward Teach, a young privateer in the English Navy in the early 18th century, would rise to the pinnacle of infamy. Captain Teach is said to have […]
Crazy Good News
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news that guilty sinners are reconciled to a holy and just God through the perfect life, sacrificial death, bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus to the right hand of God where he sits even now interceding for his people. That’s a fairly packed sentence. But it only […]