Warriors Role

We are warriors for a “heavenly kingdom” that’s at war with actual enemies in a fallen, worldly kingdom. We’re not playing defense, we’re on the offense, “tearing down strongholds” and “taking captive our thoughts”. (2 Cor 10:3-5) We lay down our lives for our enemies’ salvation, but we also must protect the flock from wolves who seek to devour us as well. Being a well qualified “warrior” for this kingdom takes great wisdom, training, and Godly character. We’ll discuss it all here in this category – everything from how we battle selfish desires, like porn, that would destroy us, to false profits preaching bad doctrines. For a complete description of our categories, check out the Categories page.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

Nolan Trapp

Love: The Most Important Flavor In The Fruit Of The Spirit

The greatest commandments. The first fruit of the Spirit. Love. But are we loving as God actually commanded us to? What does it mean to truly have “love” as a fruit of the spirit? How does this play out in our lives? Nolan examines some key Bible verses that help us begin to understand what this really looks like.

men walking in desert
Riley Adam Voth

It’s Time We Talk About This “Lust Stuff”

Since we’re talking, – just you and me – and I want to be really honest with you, I need to tell you that we gotta talk about some stuff.
Stuff like nudity, sex, hook-ups, pornography and all that stuff. Yea, the stuff your “christian friends” call “lust”.

overcome fight porn addiction enjoy Jesus more
The Majesty's Men Admin

Fight Porn Addiction By Enjoying Jesus – [Video]

Porn addiction is common battle for all men of all ages and places in life – more common than we admit. This short video and message from Jimmy Needham and Desiring God gets it right on the only answer for winning this battle. Let’s hear your thoughts and stories!

Behavior Modification: Do It.

“My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin.” -1 John 2:1 Why would the author of 1

tame tongue gossip impossible manly man Godly Jesus slander
Anthony Fox

A Godly Man Does Not Gossip Or Slander

Men of God want to be like our brother, and God, Jesus. Like him, we should build people up and point them to God rather than gossip, slander, and tear people down. We should point people to God in everything we say and take part in.

lion leader nature cub alpha pride play natural
Riley Adam Voth

There Is No Category Called “Leaders” For Men

There is no category, role, or title called “Leaders” for men. What I mean is, you don’t pick or achieve that as a man. You just, by default, are that. The question is only, are you a good leader or a bad leader?

Support These Men And Efforts

We exist because of volunteers and generosity.