Kinsmen Role

If you are someone’s “kinsman”, you are their family. The body of Christ is considered a family, and as fellow men of God, we are called brothers. We use this category for talking about the family of Christ’s church, brotherly love, building one another up, and our roles with our actual paternal and maternal family members. For a complete description of our categories, check out the Categories page.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

altar call boy good or bad
Blake Long

Are Altar Calls Really Worth Much?

Altar calls or no altar calls? Can they truly have value or can they actually be dangerous and misleading? Blake shares his personal story and experiences as we think through this common ministry practice.

rubber meets road scripture application
TMM User

Making Scripture Practical: Predestination

Could it be that predestination actually affects our lives in ways beyond good debates with your Christian brothers? Lance examines Ephesians chapter one and the implications of predestination for our lives according to this passage.

gentleness self control fruit of the spirit the majesty's men
Nolan Trapp

Gentleness: Softening Up When The World Says We Should Be Rough

In a society that says strong men are rough, rugged, and powerful, gentleness is a difficult concept. Yet the Bible tells us much about the importance of this fruit of the spirit both in our relationships and our display of contentment in Christ.

city bridge flag searching for God troubled times
Meiko Seymour

Searching For God In The Times

One minute we’re fussing over trivial matters, the next we’re deciding if we accept refugees and save lives. When times are troubled, politicians are debating, and people are worried, who are we called to be? How do we respond? What is our course and our hope?

hand giving berry goodness fruit of spirit
Nolan Trapp

Goodness: Easy To Act, But Harder To Have

Goodness is tricky because many of us can act good but not always be good, and sometimes the world doesn’t think what we know to be good as good for themselves. Nolan explores quick and practical insights on where our goodness comes from and how it looks in life.

Super Sermons #SuperSermons Series Graphic
The Majesty's Men Admin

The Sanctity Of Human Life by Matt Chandler – #SuperSermons

Some messages are #SuperSermons because of their timeless value, then some because of their absolutely “dialed-in” timely message. This is one of the latter. If you’ve seen clips of this message recently, watch the whole message for both an education on preaching, and a challenge on convictions.

patience godly man fruit of spirit
Nolan Trapp

Patience: Benefits We Have To Wait For…

We all hear, “Patience is a virtue!” but what is patience? It’s easy to say we have it, but do we? Is it actually Godly? How does patience look? Does it help anything?

Meiko Seymour

God Does Not Abandon

Have you ever had those times when nothing seems to go right? When you can’t seem to catch a break? When you can’t understand why things are happening? Meiko tells of a recent personal time this happened and the reassurance God can give. Can you relate?

TMM User

There Are No Rogue Christians

Do you believe the Christian life can be lived alone? Lance makes a biblical case for why, if you are a Christian, you will be a member of a local church. No exceptions. Do you agree? What’s your experience with this?

save life christian friendship brothers family lonely
Nolan Trapp

How to Save a Life – You Have More Influence Than You Think!

What if we have more power to influence, encourage and motivate our brothers and sisters around us than we even realize? Nolan challenges us with some tremendous points and explains why it’s absolutely essential we learn to be these kind of men! What do you think? Have you experienced this?

mentored mentor mentoring learning young old
Nolan Trapp

The Mentored Mentor

Are we to be men who lead or follow? Can we do both? We get a lot of mixed messages in the world today both from the Christians and non-Christians. Let’s admit, it’s kinda confusing and hard to know what to do sometimes. Nolan explores this issue and what it means to be a mentored mentor.

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