Tag: discipleship
Psalm 41 – A Collocation
Psalm 41 finishes out the first book of the Psalms. In placing it next to Psalm 1, we see the way God works both in…
Psalm 40 – Sacrifice
In Psalm 40, David proclaims the biblical theme that God does not merely desire sacrifice but obedient hearts and lives which sees it’s ultimate fulfilment…
Psalm 37 – The Righteous Not Forsaken
Psalm 37 is David’s homily reminding us that God is faithful to the righteous, and the position of the successful wicked is not secure. It…
Psalm 33 – Sturdy Praise
Psalm 33 is one of the quintessential praise Psalms. It calls us to worship and praise God in the stout and sturdy praise of the…
Psalm 32 – Sin and Suffering
Psalm 32 begs he question: what is the link between sin and suffering? Not all suffering is a direct result of our sins, but we…
Psalm 31 – My times are in His hand
Psalm 31 reminds us in the “prayer prayed twice” that God in in control of our souls and our time here on earth. Join me…
Psalm 28 – The Ask
“In Psalm 28 he brings forward his petition, spreading hands as a suppliant towards the holy of holies, and receives his answer.” – Derek Kidner…
Psalm 25 – The Wantonly Treacherous
In this episode, we read and reflect on Psalm 25. While much of the Psalms points us to an active trust in the face of…
Psalm 19 – A One-Two Punch
In this episode, we read and reflect on Psalm 19, the double whammy of the heavens and the Law proclaiming the glory of God. Our…
Psalm 15 – A Guest of God
In this episode, we read and reflect on Psalm 15, a psalm that resembles the holiness requirements to enter the tabernacle yet drives us straight…
Psalm 13 – The Howling Psalm
In this episode, we read and reflect on Psalm 13, as Spurgeon so aptly put it the “howling psalm.” Our music is provided by Brian…
Psalm 10 – Break the Arm of the Wicked
“If there is to be rescue, there has to be putting down. Literally the plea is for Yahweh to break the arm of the faithless…
Psalm 7 – The Oath of Innocence
In this episode, we read and reflect on Psalm 7, one that has been a part of my prayer life. We look at the Biblical…
Psalm 6 – All My Tears
In this episode, we read and reflect on Psalm 6, the first of the penitential Psalms. I pray that whatever tears shed in your life…