Episode 9 of “Ministry Minded” features Rodney Julian and Nathan Naoumi
In this week’s edition of “Ministry Minded,” Brad sits with Rodney and Nathan, both of whom are church planters in Las Vegas, Nevada. Listen as we talk about God’s call to ministry, the radical effects of the gospel, and preaching grace in “Sin City.”
Rodney and Nathan both reside in Las Vegas, NV, where they live and serve with their wives at a new church plant, Liberate Church. Both Rodney and Nathan wear multiple hats and are involved in many aspects of Liberate, including student ministries, LYFE groups, and worship. They’re gospel-centered, cross-focused guys who are sold out to making Jesus famous in the greater Las Vegas area. Be sure and follow them on Twitter: @rodneyjulian11 and @nathan9naoumi.
The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism, Tim Keller
The Explicit Gospel, Matt Chandler
Always Ready: Directions for Defending the Faith, Greg L. Bahnsen
Vertical Church: What Every Heart Longs for. What Every Church Can Be, James Macdonald
Gaining By Losing: Why the Future Belongs to Churches that Send, J. D. Greear
Simple Church: Returning to God’s Process for Making Disciples, Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger
Confessions, Augustine
Grace: So Much More Than You Know & So Much Better Than You Think, Brad J. Gray
Thanks to Ryan Northfield for engineering and editing this episode!
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