All that I was, my sin my guilt, My death was all mine own; All that I am, I owe to Thee, My gracious God, alone. The evil of my former state Was mine, and only mine; The good in which I now rejoice Is Thine, and only Thine. The darkness of my […]
Begin at Christ
The following post is a selection from a sermon Charles Spurgeon preached on 1 Corinthians 1v24 entitled: “Christ – the Power and Wisdom of God.” “If you want to be a thoroughly learned man the best place to begin, is to begin at the Bible, to begin at Christ. It is said that even […]
Liable to the Hell of Fire
“…whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.” + Matthew 5v22b As a kid this verse terrified me. I thought that if I simply called someone a “fool” then I would go to hell. My paranoia over this verse haunted my mind every hour of the day that simply by thinking […]
A Small Plea for a Return to the Confessions
On October 22, 2017 Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas Texas, invited Fox News political commentator Sean Hannity to his church. Sean Hannity wasn’t there to participate in worship of the one true God. He was there to be interviewed in the time slot where the Lord Jesus Christ was to be […]
J.C. Ryle on Days of Darkness
In the classic work “Holiness” by J.C. Ryle, there is a chapter entitled “Growth in Grace” in which he talks about Hebrews 12v11 which says, “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Commenting on this […]