This short message was preached in the rotunda of the Missouri State Capital building in Jefferson City, MO, February 9th, the year of our Lord 2022, during Abolish Abortion Mo’s Abolition Rally. Greetings to you all in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Abolition Defined We are abortion abolitionists. What is abolition? […]
To the People and Legislators of Missouri
The following post is a speech that was given at the abortion abolition rally at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City on the tenth of March, the year of our Lord two thousand twenty one. My fellow Missourians and abortion abolitionists, we are gathered here today in the name of the Triune God […]
An Open Letter to Missouri Speaker of the House Elijah Haahr, and the Missouri Legislature
Dear Mr. Speaker, As a Missouri citizen and a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, I am calling upon you to take immediate emergency action to end abortion in the state of Missouri by referring House Bill 2285 to the Children and Families Committee for an emergency hearing. […]
Christian Hope in the Face of Abortion and Transgenderism
On January 22, 2019 the New York State Senate passed new law on abortion allowing babies to murdered up to birth. I am truly at a loss for words in describing the barbarism and evil that this is, except to say that it is Satanic idol worship to Molech. And that doesn’t feel strong enough. Perhaps the […]