Click HERE for sermon audio Diet of Worms Well last time we left off with the 95 theses which Luther posted on Oct. 31st 1517. He continued to write and debate in the intervening time leading up to the year 1521. On January 3rd, 1521 Pope Leo X issued a papal bull – which is […]
The Life & Doctrine of Martin Luther, Pt. 1
Click HERE for sermon audio Introduction Today we finally come to look at the life and doctrine of the polarizing reformer, Martin Luther. This is one that we have looked forward to since beginning this journey in church history. Martin Luther is one of the most significant persons in the history of the world. God’s […]
Kept by God in Christ: Election and Preservation
“Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, 2 since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him. “I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world. Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your […]
The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates
No Christian should take defiance to the civil authorities lightly. It should be close to a last resort. We must be sure we are righteous in our cause of civil disobedience. Sadly, it has indeed righteously come to that point in many parts of the United States and in various ways. There are a number […]
Brief Thoughts on the Sufficiency of Scripture
The doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture essentially states that the Scripture is all that is necessary to govern the Christian life. The Word of God is sufficient to direct our steps in our lives, without assistance from another source of authority. It testifies to Psalm 119v105, “Your Word is a lamp to me feet […]