Before we focus exclusively on our passage, I want to consider the wedding at Cana and the temple cleansing together, and why they might have been placed side by side in chapter 2. The gospel writer, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, placed these two accounts next to one another on purpose, […]
Overcoming the World with a Hammer
Justification by faith is a hill to die on. Christ did. It was on Golgotha’s hill, the place of the skull, where Christ began to purchase our justification. It was purchased not with coin, but with blood. It was on that hill that our sins were put on Christ as the righteous judgment and wrath […]
Brief Thoughts On Postmillennialism
As of late I have been learning about Postmillennialism and it has excited me. Not simply the concept, but seeing the exposition of the Scripture be solid. I am no expert in this field, and if that’s what you want there are far better men I would point you to other than me. For starters, […]
Can Anything Good Come Out of Nazareth? John 1:43-51
Verse 43: Here we have a new day in the flow of the narrative in which Jesus decides to go to Galilee. As we saw in our passage last week, Jesus called his first disciples, Andrew, an unnamed disciple, and Simon Peter. As this new day begins, Jesus continues the work of making disciples […]