Imagine you are stranded on an island, with no access to drinkable water. As time goes on, you begin to weaken, your body begins to cramp up, and eventually, you pass out. As you are laying down, all you can think about is one thing, water. You must have it, or else you will die. […]
Commentary and Gospel Thoughts on Genesis 41v1-45
In this passage we find three themes that relate to Joseph typifying Christ: resurrection, interpretation, and ascension. We will explore these and observe other lessons of principle for the Christian life. Verse 1: This verse is here to connect us with where we left off, and to tell us how long it was that Joseph was […]
The Life and Ministry of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Lessons for the Christian Minister
INTRODUCTION The greatest need for the church today is to have faithful men who will proclaim the whole counsel of God. Instead of feeding the sheep, preachers today have simply sought to entertain them. The aim of this paper is to look at the life and preaching ministry of David Martyn Lloyd-Jones. It was said […]
Commentary and Gospel Thoughts on Genesis 40
Here we find Joseph in prison, as we left him at the end of Genesis 39. Though unjustly imprisoned, it was not without providence. For Joseph, prison is not punishment, but preparation. God is preparing, sanctifying, testing, and teaching Joseph to trust in Him. Whatever “pit” we find ourselves in, let us remember that it […]
Commentary and Gospel Thoughts on Genesis 39v6b-23
Introductory Comments The fight against sin and temptation is a fundamental element of the Christian life and it is a fundamental fight that we never stop fighting until we cross the finish line. Many faint at the first sound of shots, others fall out along the way, but even some are shot down near the […]