We don’t typically post testimonies on Rags for Riches. However, an exception had to be made. Recently our dear brother and friend to Rags for Riches wrote out a bit of his testimony. It was particularly moving to me, being that I had no idea about his past. Though every Christian has a “rags to […]
The Life and Ministry of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Lessons for the Christian Minister
INTRODUCTION The greatest need for the church today is to have faithful men who will proclaim the whole counsel of God. Instead of feeding the sheep, preachers today have simply sought to entertain them. The aim of this paper is to look at the life and preaching ministry of David Martyn Lloyd-Jones. It was said […]
Love for the Forgotten Pastor
Pastors go through seasons of feeling forgotten. It is a lonely place to be. All your other pastor friends are getting together and doing things without you. Your church members do the same. You may have kids that have grown and haven’t called you in months. It may even seem like God has gone silent […]
Dear Bi-Vocational Pastor
Being a bi-vocational pastor is an immensely glorious, yet difficult task. I have seen and heard of the struggles from my own bi-vocational pastors. It is something that takes discipline, dedication, and gobs of grace. As I prepare to enter into the bi-vocational pastorate myself, I want to revel in the grace that God gives […]