If there was ever a time in recent history for men to start forming or joining packs (or militias for that matter), 2021 is that time. Our culture, an…
As Christians, we should have a sort of sorrow even when a High Priestess of Moloch dies. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an eternal human soul, has now met the …
On this episode, we discussed how Riley has been engaging others on his personal social media accounts. Recent events have ignited many interesting co…
Yesterday the U.S. Senate Democrats voted down what should have been a slam-dunk easy passage of a bill meant to protect the lives of the most vulnera…
Whether it means having a one-time discussion, discipling someone, or running for state/local/national office, as young men in Christ, we have the opp…
We've seen a lot of people place their faith in horrible candidates for rulers lately. This video of this talk given from a political science professo…
Living under leaders who do not honor God is a difficult reality, but it's a reality given to us with specific instruction from God's Word to trust Go…
When we rally to "Take America Back", what are we really meaning, and more importantly, what are our hearts believing? While the heart behind this mig…
One minute we're fussing over trivial matters, the next we're deciding if we accept refugees and save lives. When times are troubled, politicians are …
Unless you've been under a rock this last week, you've likely heard of this viral issue of #StarbucksRedCups going around. Apparently, "Christians" ar…
Lance takes a look into major misunderstandings in the terms, claims, and beliefs of current GOP candidates we call christian. Namely: Trump isn't a P…
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