Joyful Truth Telling Amid Pagan Clown Yelling

The Majesty's Men Show
The Majesty's Men Show
Joyful Truth Telling Amid Pagan Clown Yelling

Hosts And Guests Of This Episode

Gabriel Hughes, Brian Sauvé, Jared Sparks

Overview Of Topics And Points

Gabriel Hughes, Brian Sauvé, and Jared Sparks, three bold, biblical, and based pastors, discuss a reality Gabriel and Brian are very familiar with: getting our modern, western, feminist, “progressive,” clown-world, and their all-too regular cobelligerents of Big Evangelicalism, riled up and angry because you said a basic, biblical truth too clearly and pointedly in the online public spheres.

How do you handle it well? How do you stay joyful and keep after it!?

Also, they discuss why Christians should do this, and why many controversial, confessing Christians, take issue with it and why we take issue with them in return (here’s to you Beth Moore).

This talk was excellent, so go listen to these men share some good biblical wisdom on sharing truth and gospel online, handling controversies and more. We’re busy building some cool stuff for the network and community, and we’re definitely short-handed, so we don’t have any show notes written up here. However, you’ve asked us to get our backlog of content posted sooner, and so we’re working at it! Please volunteer to write these show notes if you want show notes. Thanks brothers!

Resources Mentioned

We’ll fill this out more soon.

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The Majesty's Men Admin

Glorifying God. Maximizing Men. Creating Christendom. ⚔ Making Christianity masculine again and masculinity Christian again. ⚒ Sponsor of joyful warfare and the building of Christendom for the joy of all people via the HNR.GD Network.

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