I am pleased to have Edward LaRow writing at Rags for Riches today; enjoy: To preface this “snippet” here is a basic definition of Soteriology. Soteriology is the field of study concerned with outlining the effects of the atoning work of Christ. It derives from the Greek noun “σωτηρία” meaning “salvation”, or “deliverance”. There are two methodological […]
No Longer Damned
“Do and Live” the law commands, It’s crushing weight I cannot bear. Death is the verdict it demands, The thundering judgment I cannot share. There is no hope or plea in me, For salvation, where to look? Christ comes and says, “I died for thee.” There my punishment Jesus took. No longer damned do I […]
The Most Dangerous False Teacher
My church is currently going through book of Titus in our Sunday worship service. I recently had the responsibility to preach two sermons on Titus 1v10-16. Titus 1v10-16 deals with the problem of false teachers and the pastor’s responsibility to rebuke them. Without a doubt false doctrine can cause catastrophic damage to a church or […]
No Hopin’ in Me
I have a friend who questions me about my Calvinism on a regular basis. I love it. He recently asked me, “Where’s the hope in believing that everything is out of your control?” With a smile and no hesitation I replied, “That’s exactly where it is. My hope lies in the fact that salvation lies […]
The Gospel for Humpty Dumpty
“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again.” I’ve heard many theories on what exactly is meant by the term “Humpty Dumpty” in the classic nursery rhyme. I’m almost convinced that it refers to a cannon; but […]