The following is a very brief homily that I gave at my sister’s wedding. I would now like to say a few brief words about another wedding that took place about 2,000 years ago in Cana of Galilee. This is a wedding which Jesus of Nazareth attended, the account of it found in the second […]
The Mud-Making God; John 9:1-7
Verse 1, “As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth.”: So Jesus is walking by with his disciples and he sees a blind man. I want you to notice this play on words here. Jesus sees a man who cannot see Him. Jesus takes notice of one who would’ve […]
Christ’s Plenty for Our Poverty; John 6:1-14
After this Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias. 2 And a large crowd was following him, because they saw the signs that he was doing on the sick. 3 Jesus went up on the mountain, and there he sat down with his disciples. 4 Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at […]
The Miracle at Bethesda; John 5:1-9a
After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Aramaic called Bethesda, which has five roofed colonnades. In these lay a multitude of invalids—blind, lame, and paralyzed. One man was there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When […]
Faith in the Face of Fatality; John 4:43-54
43 After the two days he departed for Galilee. 44 (For Jesus himself had testified that a prophet has no honor in his own hometown.) 45 So when he came to Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him, having seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the feast. For they too had gone to the feast. 46 So he came again to Cana in Galilee, where […]