“God told me x.” “The Spirit is leading me here.” “I feel like God wants me to x.” “I sense the Spirit’s move in x direction.” We’ve all heard it a million times. These are the excuses- er, uh, I mean, *reasons for the decisions Christian’s make. Maybe this is how you explain the decisions […]
Of the Increase
In my previous post I discussed the key text of 1 Corinthians 15 that pushed me over the edge into embracing Postmillennialism. Once I understood that text, and once I understood partial Preterism, the beauty and the extent of the growth of the Kingdom of God began to make sense and be plain to me. Throughout the […]
Jesus Cleanses the Temple, John 2:13-22
Before we focus exclusively on our passage, I want to consider the wedding at Cana and the temple cleansing together, and why they might have been placed side by side in chapter 2. The gospel writer, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, placed these two accounts next to one another on purpose, […]
Can Anything Good Come Out of Nazareth? John 1:43-51
Verse 43: Here we have a new day in the flow of the narrative in which Jesus decides to go to Galilee. As we saw in our passage last week, Jesus called his first disciples, Andrew, an unnamed disciple, and Simon Peter. As this new day begins, Jesus continues the work of making disciples […]
We Have Found the Messiah, John 1:35-42
Introduction Upon an initial reading of this passage, it may seem to be just a mundane text that narrates us from one point to the next without any real significance to us beyond just explaining the first disciples of Jesus. However, that is just not so. There is great significance in this text […]