In Genesis 39 the narrative focus shifts back to Joseph, after a short detour in chapter 38 (of which provides stark contrasts with chapter 39). Verse 1: This chapter begins by picking up right where the end of chapter 37 left off; with Joseph being sold to Potiphar, an Egyptian, an officer of Pharaoh, the captain […]
Finding Comfort in the Sovereignty of God
Many of us, when faced with situations of turmoil, are filled with a great debilitating fear. As a sixth grader, I was bullied by a gang of young boys. They would wait for me outside of my classroom, and threaten me at every point of my day. At times I would sit in my seat […]
Sheep, Shepherds, and Soteriology
I am pleased to have Edward LaRow writing at Rags for Riches today; enjoy: To preface this “snippet” here is a basic definition of Soteriology. Soteriology is the field of study concerned with outlining the effects of the atoning work of Christ. It derives from the Greek noun “σωτηρία” meaning “salvation”, or “deliverance”. There are two methodological […]