Last week as we were in the first three verses of chapter 3, I briefly mentioned the fact that not all people are God’s children; as the text of course talked about how Christians are God’s children. This week as we move in to verse 4-10 we see this contrast made clear between […]
The Advocate: Commentary on 1 John 2v1-2
Introduction The last couple weeks, in verses 5-10, one of the things John brought us to examine was the contrast between the life of the unbeliever and the believer: the unbeliever walks in darkness, the believer walks in the light. The unbeliever may deny that he has sin, the believer confesses sin and receives forgiveness. […]
Why Christians Should Sing Hymns with Their Spouse
Not too long ago a friend of mine got married. Before the wedding day, we had a get-together and we were asked to think of exhortations or encouragements to give him as he headed into marriage. As I was thinking about what to say, it dawned on me one evening when my wife and I […]
The Gospel for Our Inconsistent Prayer Lives
For many Christians it seems that prayer is one of the most difficult disciplines to maintain. Often times, when things in our life are going well we tend to pray less, if at all. This is sin, and we know it. We know that we are to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5v17) in all […]