For as long as we’ve been going through Genesis, I have been looking forward to this passage that we find ourselves in today. There are several highlights that stick out in the book of Genesis, and I have to say that this is one of them – particularly Joseph’s classic statement on the sovereignty of […]
English Baptist Anne Dutton
INTRODUCTION Among English Baptists of the eighteenth-century, Anne Dutton was known as “the most theologically capable and influential Baptist woman of her day.” Anne Dutton’s hymns, poems, letters, and writings have had a tremendous influence on Baptistic life in the eighteenth-century. In this paper, we will look at the life of Anne Dutton and answer […]
A Small Plea for a Return to the Confessions
On October 22, 2017 Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas Texas, invited Fox News political commentator Sean Hannity to his church. Sean Hannity wasn’t there to participate in worship of the one true God. He was there to be interviewed in the time slot where the Lord Jesus Christ was to be […]
Two Reasons for Congregational Singing
One of my favorite things about my church is our congregational singing. It does me good to hear and participate in worship with people who sing the gospel from their bellies. We may not have hundreds of voices but we’ve got some good ones and loud ones. The most important aspects of church music is […]
Behold, the Lamb of God
I was recently reading John 1 v 29-51, saw some magnificent things, and now I have to write about it. So before you read this, read that passage to get some context on what I’m saying. Now that you’ve read the passage, let’s dive right in. v 29 begins with a massive theological statement from […]