On January 22, 2019 the New York State Senate passed new law on abortion allowing babies to murdered up to birth. I am truly at a loss for words in describing the barbarism and evil that this is, except to say that it is Satanic idol worship to Molech. And that doesn’t feel strong enough. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the night in New York was the reaction from the senate chamber in which they gave a standing ovation upon the passing of this bill. It is literally a room of adult men and women in positions of government authority giving a standing ovation to applaud one another for allowing babies to be murdered under protection of the law. I cannot comprehend how evil or blind one has to be to think that this is okay. As one Twitter follower commented to me last night, “Surprised those pillars held” – referring to the chamber in which the applause took place. I am sure that the chamber is a chamber of Satan and death; but I am unsure of whether the holding of the pillars is God’s mercy or judgment. Although I am sure that they won’t hold forever.
As End Abortion Now has documented, along with many others, today’s pro-abortion movement openly admits that abortion is murder. They just don’t care. However, every time a gunman shoots up a school they seem to care quite a bit about murder. (Of course I am glad for their inconsistency here). The logic thus seems to be that since a pre-born baby is a very small, defenseless, voiceless, human inside his or her’s mother’s womb, then it is okay to murder them. But that is really the worst kind of murder. The more vulnerable and helpless a person is, the more wicked their murder is. This is why abortion should be banned, period. The life that begins at conception is the most precious and vulnerable life and it is the most heinous of all to be murdered. How a mother can rebel so much against God that she suppresses her natural inclination to nurture and protect her child is judgment from God. And let us not think that a society with weak men who take their girlfriends to abortion clinics to murder their children is not also a grave judgment from God. Strong men ought to be the ones standing up the tallest to protect these precious little lives. Instead we have men skirting their responsibilities as men, and women rebelling against their womanhood, in congress, passing laws to allow for the expansion of baby murder.
As many others have noted, this is a result of the sexual revolution in which anything goes. The reason people are so desperate to be able to murder their babies is because they are desperate to have sex with whoever they want, whenever they want, without the consequences or responsibilities that naturally come with it. In other words, America worships the idol of sex to such a degree that it offers up their children as a sacrifice to it. Such were the pagan nations destroyed by God in the Old Testament.
To boot, the transgender insanity is in full swing with Netflix creating drag queen shows involving young children and a grown man dressing up as a woman (language warning) making quite the scene in a Gamestop. There are numerous other Netflix originals along these lines, and I have seen countless other transgender incidents all over the news. How low of an opinion of women does a man have to have to think that he can pretend to be one? All women everywhere should be offended and repulsed. Worse yet, society has given in to their demands to educate the children, through library story time and Netflix cartoons. Pedophiles who should be in prison, society has now welcomed in the front door to play dress up with the kids. Christian parents, protect your kids. Don’t send them to public schools to be taken captive. Raise them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, with a Christian education that begins with the fear of the Lord as the basis of knowledge (Proverbs 9:10), lest they become fools. But I digress.
In light of all this darkness that seems to have such a tight grip on this world, how are Christians who remain faithful to God’s Word and natural revelation to think? Exegetically speaking I am not fully persuaded of the postmillennial position; but I have to admit it is enticing. Could it be that God’s judgment on our world by giving us over to our sinful desires is God’s way of purifying the world? Is that not what God’s judgments are – purification? Thinking logically, homosexuals will not be having children of their own, and those of this world who do have children are murdering them. Eventually they will bring themselves to extinction, while Christians will continue to have kids, and lots of them. In a world that hates God with so much passion, this is how postmillennialism seems possible (Scriptural evidence aside). Maybe things are getting better, they just have to get worse first.
Whether or not postmillennialism is true, it is true that Christians ought to have an unwavering hope regardless of the downward free-fall that society is currently experiencing. Christian, do not fear these people. Do not bow to the god of this world. Do not cave to the pressure to give in to the world’s terms and mandatory acceptance and celebration of sin. They have nothing with which to hurt you. You will outlast them. Jesus Christ is king and they will be converted to His ranks or put under His footstool. Don’t lose your soul for fleeting acceptance. Let them condemn us, for there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Let them charge us with hate, for who can bring any charge against God’s elect (Romans 8:33)? Let God be true and every man a liar.
Before I close, it would be cruel if I did not extend the offer of grace to any unbeliever who may be reading this. Maybe you are a mother who has murdered her child, or a father who domineered over your girlfriend to get her to have an abortion. Or maybe you are a transgender person, or a homosexual. There is no denying that you have committed great sin and evil against Almighty God, as I have also done. You and I are both deserving of eternal wrath and hell for our sins against such a good and holy creator against whom we have rebelled. Yet, while you are reading this you are experiencing the kindness and patience of God which ought to lead you to repentance (Romans 2:4). Though your sins are great, the forgiveness of God that He extends to us through His Son Jesus Christ is greater still. Jesus Christ died for sinners, so that through repentance of sin, and placing one’s faith in Christ for forgiveness and salvation, sinners will be saved. God’s patience won’t last forever, but it lasts for this moment. Turn away from your sin, and trust in Jesus Christ today and you will be saved. Click here to see more about the Gospel.
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