Shows, From Your Bros
The Majesty's Men Show
Conversations with men from across the HNR.GD Network, as well as special guests, on important and timely topics for Christian men. We are unashamedly biblical and, as such, patriarchal men of God taking dominion and building Christendom for the glory of King Jesus and the good of all people. This isn’t the typical wanna-be-Big-Eva nice-guy chats. We’re pretty nice guys, but we’re raising a righteous ruckus in joyful warfare against those who mock our God and oppose our people. This is brotherly, yet bold and unembarrassed—applying every bit of God’s word to every bit of God’s world. This is man, seeking to protect, provide, and preside as we are made to—staying dangerous, but pursuing goodness, and honoring God in all we do. This is masculine Christianity. Join us in the fight and the fun!

Podcasts Hosted On The Majesty's Men + The HNR.GD Network

With Bo Hutches
A show dedicated to inspiring and cultivating virtue, courage, excellence, manliness, and honor. Virtus discusses a wide array of topics through a lens of biblical masculinity, including personal development, theology, philosophy, work, labor, personal interests, and cultural commentary.

Courage My Lads
With Scott Tungay
Are you winning, son? Work as unto the Lord and toward the peace and prosperity of your people and place.

The Shepherd's Crook
With Jared Sparks
A pastor coming alongside pastors reminding them of the Chief Pastor with care, counsel, and resources.

The Absolute Unit
With Joshua Jenkins and Brandon Lansdown
Making gains for the new Christendom.

Annuit Coeptis
With Riley Voth and Scott Tungay
Work. Productive property. Household economy. Equipping men for the days ahead.

Meet The Men
Meet the men of the HNR.GD Network and learn all about them and what they're up to.
Coming soon!

The Firmly Planted Tree
With Joey Hawkins
A walk through the Psalms with a masculine perspective.
He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.
—Psalm 1:3

Reformed Informants
With Lance Burroughs
and TJ Daugherty
Reformed Informants is a podcast devoted to biblical exposition, systematic theology, and practical application for the good of the church.

Hold Fast Chats
We will be relaunching HFC with a completely new format soon. Stay tuned for details.

Ordinary Radicals
Hosted by Jonathan Hayashi and Brandon Boatner
Ordinary Radicals is a podcast on discipleship and biblical living featuring conversations and Q&As concerning a wide variety of topics to help you grow disciples and the local church through leadership, discipleship and mission.

Pastor Gabe's Articles
With Gabriel Hughes
Gabriel Hughes reads his periodical and popular articles to you.
Do you have a Podcast?
We have built out a structure for hosting podcast shows, audio or video, and will begin rolling out new shows, migrating some into the network, and revamping old shows in the coming months.
Below you will find new podcasts as we begin adding them as well as archived shows which are no longer running. Click on any image to view the full list of posts whether hosted here on TMM or a site on the HNR.GD Network.
Have a show you’re already running or an idea for a podcast? We’d be happy to talk with you and see if we can help. Just hit the button below to send us a message:
Archived Shows
These shows are completed, but are still accessible for listening. Click on any show for the full archive.

Discern Daily
With Payte Johnson
Abide. Bless. Contend. A segment of The Majesty's Men for seeking truth and developing discernment through conversing around popular content, topics, and current events.

Ministry Minded
With Brad Gray
A show that seeks to marvel at the mercy of God that meets us in our messy ministries.
We have built out a structure for hosting podcast shows, audio or video, and will begin rolling out new shows, migrating some into the network, and revamping old shows in the coming months.
Below you will find new podcasts as we begin adding them as well as archived shows which are no longer running. Click on any image to view the full list of posts whether hosted here on TMM or a site on the HNR.GD Network.
Have a show you’re already running or an idea for a podcast? We’d be happy to talk with you and see if we can help. Just hit the button below to send us a message: