Join us in forming a community and ever-growing resource for men of God! We’ve barely begun and could really use you—your personality, experiences, voice and skills—in this community!
We are looking for men (women are welcome to contribute, but our focus is obviously on men around here) with an interest in producing content and resources for teaching, equipping, training, and motivating men of the Christian faith towards enjoying Jesus Christ, living well, and engaging wisely and winsomely with our communities around us!
We aim for this to be a supportive environment, a like-minded community, and a platform to help you find your voice, develop your theology and worldview, run your project, share your work, experiences, and skills so that others can see and learn from you, and so on. We offer coaching if you want it and we do “quality control” to make sure the quality of content and work being put out is high—friendly and engaging with a high standard for excellent design, theology, and Christ-like character.
Therefore, we invite you to make contributions of all kinds, make suggestions, ask questions, and even help manage (“steward”, as we like to call it) parts of all we do! We’re constantly growing, trying things, and adding more ideas and projects—so we can always use your input and help with things!
As long as you’re here with good intentions, you’re going to be great!
Okay, I’m Interested, How Do I Contribute?
Check out the primary options for contributing below and see what vibes with you and what you’ve got going on. You can click on each section to get the full details of getting involved in that way. Additionally, at the bottom we’ll share a few ways you can help out even if contributing in these main ways aren’t a great fit.
Join As A Contributor On The Blog
From the start, we’ve been a blog and we proudly feature relevant, personal, articles from guys just like you. Dozens of different guys contribute articles each month for us to learn from and converse around. Yes, occasionally we hear from “big names” and we run an ongoing series from mentors, and we even feature posts from ladies (directed to men), but our focus on our central blog is and always will be men of God talking to their brothers of faith in the Kingdom of God.
Yes, occasionally we hear from “big names” and we run an ongoing series from mentors, and we even feature posts from ladies (directed to men), but our focus on our central blog is and always will be men of God talking to their brothers of faith in the Kingdom of God.
We do community-wide series together at times. We have ongoing series that guys contribute to, and you can even run your own series of posts! There’s no requirement that you keep contributing regularly or anything like that! So, this is a great place to start! Each guy who signs up and gets access to a contributor console is also automatically invited into our private community app where we chat and work and share life each week.
To get started, go to this page, read the very few requirements we need you to know and agree to (mostly that you’ll stay cool) and then simply submit your info and we’ll get you set up!

Become A Show Host
We’re thrilled to be stepping into new territory with the launch of our shows, and we’d be thrilled to have you step into this with us! Some of our guys will be producing podcasts and video shows, and we’ll be featuring them in their own stream of content here on the site and syndicating them to iTunes, YouTube, and more!
If you have an interest in audio and video production and could help us in this endeavor, we could use your help! If you have an idea for a show that could speak to guys and the faith, relationships, society and life we deal with, and you would love to help make it happen, then get in on this!
We have everything in place to create, host and share these, and we will help get your show launched and rolling along with excellence.
Go to this page and fill in the info and we’ll be in touch asap!
Become A Shop Vendor
We recently converted our shop into a multi-vendor marketplace in preparation for some upcoming projects and partnerships. We will be expanding our shop and what we offer as products, attire, accessories, books, and resources for guys.
If you make some great gear and some styling swag, or whatever you want to call it, then we’d love to speak to you about featuring your products or resources in the shop. Or, if you have an idea for a product that you’d like to create or help come to fruition, we’d love to work with you to make that idea real.
Check out this page where you can either submit your details to talk about an idea, or if you’re ready, apply to become a full-on featured vendor, selling your products in our shop! We can’t wait to hear from you!

Join As A Content Creator / Site Owner In The HNR.GD Network
We are in the early stages of building a literal network of like-minded brothers with independent but linked blogs and sites. We host these across what we call the “HNR.GD Network” (formerly the “adelphotes network”, but, who can say that?).
We provide hosting, themes, features, best-practice tips, and pretty much everything you need to have an amazing web presence and produce amazing content.
We are currently only working with a handful of guys as we iron out the wrinkles. We will then roll out access to join by application only later this year!
If you’d like to know more, or put your name on the list to notified first when we begin accepting applications, go ahead and hit up this page and submit your name to be on the list!
Not Sure I Want To Do Any Of These, Are There Other Ways To Help?
If you’re not sure you want to be an active contributor, we have a few ways still that you could greatly help out the community here:
Feel free to make a suggestion!
We always consider ways to expand our offerings and services. We’re open to suggestions and ideas. Send us a message from the Contact page.
You’re welcome to join us in our community Group
We have a private community group in which numerous men from around the globe, chat and discuss society, current events, theology, books, work, relationships, and more. We pray for one another, plan projects, and build friendships. For more details, check out our simple and short page on how to join!
Join us on all of our social networks and give us “shares” and “retweets” to get the word out!
You can find all of our social pages by clicking the icons in the upper right corner of this site. We’d love to connect with you on those!
Comment and interact on the blog posts!
Our comment policy will protect anyone from haters, so don’t be nervous to toss your voice into the mix and leave comments and questions. To be part of a community, we must communicate with one another. This helps us all learn and grow!
Support the endeavor by donating financially.
We have costs (quite a few of them) and it’s appreciated beyond belief when we receive help with those. You can make a donation by clicking this button: