For Masculine Christianity: A Review

Picture of Joshua Jenkins
Joshua Jenkins

I recently read through Zachary Garris’ Masculine Christianity, and it was not what I thought it would be.

I had heard many good things about the book from friends and colleagues and so had been looking forward to reading it for some time. I was expecting it to read something like a shock-jock, masculine-pilled, cage-stager that had nothing but polemical zingers (I don’t know Zachary Garris obviously).  As enjoyable as 60% of that type of book would’ve been, this was even better.

Instead of the ravings of an immature patriarchal-pilled man-boy, Masculine Christianity is the work of a mature level-headed “older” man. It is surgical in its precision, calm in its execution, and steady-handed with the knife. Garris handles the Word of God with care, reverence, and faithfulness, rightly dividing it, so that every thought is taken captive to the obedience of Christ and no argument is left standing with any clothes on.

Chapter by chapter, Garris takes up new opponents and their twistings of Holy Writ. With each chapter, every twisting of Scripture is untwisted as he moves from opponent to opponent, leaving the destruction of complementarian-compromisers, feminist-fanatics, liberal-lunatics, and cowardly-crusaders in his wake.

The manner in which Garris does this is itself masculine. Garris deals with the text of Scripture, engaging the original languages (though you don’t have to know them to follow), and explaining the Word of God according with logical exegetical reasoning.

His argumentation is based on objective truth, not how one might feel about it. He is no preparer of word-salads. This book is not over-sensational. There are no flowery stories to create fluff and cushion around the meat of the argumentation (which is often a more feminine tactic). He engages in no emotional manipulation.  He is direct, clear, and masculine in style.

At the same time, there remains a number of very tweetable one-liners.

This is a needed book in reformed or “reformed-ish” circles. It is a needed book in the mano-sphere, and among the red-pill boys. Garris writes to us like a mature father, showing us the way of Scripture. He talks directly to men, calling them to be masculine patriarchs, yet he does not chastise us in a humiliating “Driscollian” fashion. He understands the challenges feminism and the modern world has brought to young men today. Yet, that is no excuse, and we need to be told that.

Furthermore, contrary to what the green-haired crazies might say, this book does not advocate hatred or oppression of women. This book honors women as much as any book could, according to biblical standards.

Indeed, Garris shows us that biblical patriarchy, or masculine Christianity, is the absolute best thing and most loving thing for our women and children in our families, churches, and societies.

Garris not only shows us these things from exegetical grounds, but also gives us a sampling of what the church has said throughout history. You will find this book to be a nice resource on your shelf after reading.

Upon reading this book you will have no question as to what the Bible says on the matter. You will only be left with the choice to obey God or to disobey God. Choose wisely.


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