Community: The Men On Mission


We are mere weeks away from launching a full blown community platform, with a mobile app, built in right here on this site. It will have groups, forums, live messaging other members, a directory of businesses and churches of other men, livestreams and exclusive content, and more. Watch for announcements on social media and the blog here soon!

TMM started in 2013 as a multi-author blog for men to contribute to and explore what it meant to be a Christian man. The point of, exploring however, is to find. We don’t think it’s a question that needs endless answering. Our creator, Yahweh, has answered that both in his word and in his world, quite clearly. It’s ours to know and to live out. So while we still a multi-author blog, we have since expanded into helping Christian men not just know, but also live out, live out their calling to be Godly patriarchs who rule themselves and rule the world.

Many men produce media, through both as well as via their own sites, ministries, churches, and projects we host in the HNR.GD Network. Many use our infrastructure on both TMM and the network for their e-commerce, businesses, or political campaigns as well.

We host these sites for exemplary men of conviction, character, and competency. Men worth getting to know and following just as they follow Christ. You can see an ever growing list of these men, with links to their work, on this page.

PLUS, we will soon be launching a community app of dedicated interest groups, courses, conferences, collaborative projects, maps, instant messaging, live stream events and more. We’ll link to it on this page when it launches in the months ahead. It’s going to be amazing, so check back soon!

Authors And Contributors To The Blog

(Searchable index coming soon)

Podcast Show Hosts

(Hosts coming soon)

Shop Vendors

(Vendors coming soon)

HNR.GD Network logo


We also consistently have a group of a volunteers who regularly put in the hours week after week to keep everything happening in the TMM and HNR.GD Network spheres—developers, graphic artists, social media managers, etc. We like to call them “stewards”, and not just because of the medieval roots of the word—being the supervisors of an estate—but because we believe we really are stewarding valuable resources and responsibility with the community and capabilities of TMM. We’d love to have you join in and help too.

Instagram Manager?


Click here to view the ways you can help out this community as a fellow steward with us. We always have ways we can use your help.

Ryan Northfield Family Photo

Ryan Northfield


Riley Adam Voth

Editor-in-chief, Developer

Team Effort

Social Media Manager