On this episode, we are highlighting a great response from a listener named Austin. He felt led to record some thoughts of his own regarding episode #…
In order to move forward together, we need to create a healthier environment for dialogue. We shouldn't retreat to those who agree with us and shame t…
It's an extremely liberating experience to realize you are already seen and known for who you really are. But even after many of us learn we have this…
We can do social media for God's glory, if we're using it rightly, and rightly may not be as easy as simply "preaching at" people. A well known bit of…
As a former DJ and a musician, Andy gives us an honest, insightful, and deeply challenging look at the music we listen to and how it both reflects wha…
Do you believe the Christian life can be lived alone? Lance makes a biblical case for why, if you are a Christian, you will be a member of a local chu…
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