
All content revolves around our mission: help men joyfully glorify Jesus Christ as king and fulfill their role as leaders in taking dominion in God’s world, every day, in every realm of life. We post articles, audio, videos, book reviews, interviews, and more containing gospel truth, sound theology, practical wisdom, creative inspiration, Godly conviction and encouragement all to fulfill this mission as men. Our posts are created by men of God, for men of God, from a reformed, evangelical, “hard complementarian” (a.k.a. biblical patriarchal) view point. In other words, we’re not embarrassed by God’s word, and we aim to do our duty as leaders in applying it to every aspect of life in God’s world.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

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Payte Johnson

Saturate Yourself With God’s Promises

We live hectic lives in an fast and mean world. It’s easy to get caught up in things and forget the truths that give us peace. Our God is so good that he’s given us numerous promises through his word, but do you know them?

Isaac Hecker


“The wonder of marriage is woven into the wonder of the gospel of the cross of Christ, and the message of the cross is foolishness to

lion leader nature cub alpha pride play natural
Riley Adam Voth

There Is No Category Called “Leaders” For Men

There is no category, role, or title called “Leaders” for men. What I mean is, you don’t pick or achieve that as a man. You just, by default, are that. The question is only, are you a good leader or a bad leader?

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