
All content revolves around our mission: help men joyfully glorify Jesus Christ as king and fulfill their role as leaders in taking dominion in God’s world, every day, in every realm of life. We post articles, audio, videos, book reviews, interviews, and more containing gospel truth, sound theology, practical wisdom, creative inspiration, Godly conviction and encouragement all to fulfill this mission as men. Our posts are created by men of God, for men of God, from a reformed, evangelical, “hard complementarian” (a.k.a. biblical patriarchal) view point. In other words, we’re not embarrassed by God’s word, and we aim to do our duty as leaders in applying it to every aspect of life in God’s world.

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Maximize Men, Build Christendom

Articles with audio, videos, and more, by men, for men.

We’ll send a carrier pigeon to your inbox with a summary of the week’s content.

save life christian friendship brothers family lonely
Nolan Trapp

How to Save a Life – You Have More Influence Than You Think!

What if we have more power to influence, encourage and motivate our brothers and sisters around us than we even realize? Nolan challenges us with some tremendous points and explains why it’s absolutely essential we learn to be these kind of men! What do you think? Have you experienced this?

nasa largest image ever fly through video
The Majesty's Men Admin

Have You Seen This Video Of The Largest Image Ever? Worship May Follow!

This fly-through video of the largest image ever taken (recently released by NASA) will take your breath away. Then when you get your breath back, you’ll probably worship or make something super creative. Prepare to have your mind blown by God’s creativity and power.

men walking in desert
Riley Adam Voth

It’s Time We Talk About This “Lust Stuff”

Since we’re talking, – just you and me – and I want to be really honest with you, I need to tell you that we gotta talk about some stuff.
Stuff like nudity, sex, hook-ups, pornography and all that stuff. Yea, the stuff your “christian friends” call “lust”.

the majestys men romans 11 36 verse conjunctions grammar prepositions
TMM User

When God’s Grammar Blows Your Mind

How do a few conjunctions and prepositions, that we’d normally read right over, actually give us insight into how we function and live as Christians? These small words show you how you make God look most valuable and live the best life you can – no joke! Let a quick grammar lesson blow your mind.

can we change possible Jesus love men
Riley Adam Voth

Can A Person Ever Really Change?

Is it actually possible for a person to truly change? Is there anything more powerful than nature or nurture or addictions? Is it as simple as choosing to change or so impossible we shouldn’t try? If I tell you it’s possible, would you want to know how?

overcome fight porn addiction enjoy Jesus more
The Majesty's Men Admin

Fight Porn Addiction By Enjoying Jesus – [Video]

Porn addiction is common battle for all men of all ages and places in life – more common than we admit. This short video and message from Jimmy Needham and Desiring God gets it right on the only answer for winning this battle. Let’s hear your thoughts and stories!

we all know going to die response matters video
The Majesty's Men Admin

What Happens When I Die? Your Response Matters – [Video]

What happens when I die? Many people believe different things, but one thing we know for sure is that what you believe, really really really matters! Because as we all know, everyone dies. So what happens then? Your response matters…

The Majestys Men TMM Computer Mobile Background Downloadable
Anthony Esau

A FREE “The Majesty’s Men” Computer Background

Here’s a free The Majesty’s Men background for you to download. Use it as a reminder to log in and write some awesome posts or simply as a reminder of the unshakeable kingdom you’re a part of!

The Majesty's Men Admin

Aaand We’re Back! Future Developments…

After about a year of blog silence, we’re finally rolling back the curtain and we’re back to have some fun. Here’s some news and future developments we’ll be working on, and how you can join!

cooperating holy spirit spread Jesus ambassadors
Payte Johnson

On Cooperating with The Holy Spirit To Spread The Gospel

So you want to advance the name and fame of Jesus? You want to reach others with the hope and love you’ve experienced? How do you do this? How do we evangelize effectively? It won’t be by your own power and effort.

Good Things Are Coming…

We know it’s been a while, and it was mostly intentional. But, if you have horses, now is the time to hold them… We’ve got

mentored mentor mentoring learning young old
Nolan Trapp

The Mentored Mentor

Are we to be men who lead or follow? Can we do both? We get a lot of mixed messages in the world today both from the Christians and non-Christians. Let’s admit, it’s kinda confusing and hard to know what to do sometimes. Nolan explores this issue and what it means to be a mentored mentor.

Behavior Modification: Do It.

“My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin.” -1 John 2:1 Why would the author of 1

rocket launch begin website blog
The Majesty's Men Admin

Announcing Launch Of New Site Design & GIVEAWAY!

We launched a new site design and we gave away some goodies to help spread the excitement. You can read this to see all the awesomeness you missed out on, but don’t worry, we’ll do more giveaways in the near future. Thanks for spreading the word!

tame tongue gossip impossible manly man Godly Jesus slander
Anthony Fox

A Godly Man Does Not Gossip Or Slander

Men of God want to be like our brother, and God, Jesus. Like him, we should build people up and point them to God rather than gossip, slander, and tear people down. We should point people to God in everything we say and take part in.

Support These Men And Efforts

We exist because of volunteers and generosity.