“I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.” – 1 Timothy 2:12 When Paul tells Timothy, concerning the churches, that he does “not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man,” I take it to mean that he […]
Simple Preaching like C.H. Spurgeon
I have learned so much about preaching from reading Charles Spurgeon. Whether it is reading what he says about preaching, or watching his example of preaching by reading his sermons, it is evident that his nickname, the “Prince of Preachers” is fitting. I was struck again by his example as I was recently reading through […]
Reasons for Not Evaluating a Sermon
Preaching is serious business. So is listening to a sermon. For those of us who take preaching seriously as it should be taken, there is sometimes the desire to evaluate the sermon. Sermon evaluation is not necessarily a bad thing. There are indeed good reasons and ways to do so. I do believe that a […]
Fresh for Preaching
As a preacher who strives to be gospel centered, and to ever and always preach the gospel, and for the many other preachers who do the same, it can sometimes seem difficult at to always preach the same gospel, and keep it the forefront. That is not because we tire from the gospel, or because […]