The more the Christian matures in Christ, the more humble and childlike their faith becomes. In Psalm 131 the Psalmist confesses a simple and humble trust in His God. David is the author, but the circumstances of this Psalm are not readily apparent. However, David confesses his childlike trust in the Lord and urges others […]
Abundance in Christ – Commentary and Gospel Thoughts on Genesis 41v46-57
In this passage we will observe four elements of the grace of God: the abundance of grace, the forgetfulness of grace, the fruitfulness of grace, and the exclusivity of grace. The Abundance of Grace Verse 46: Moses tells us that Joseph, at this time, is now 30 years old. This marks it then to be 13 […]
Psalm 63: Thirsting for God
Imagine you are stranded on an island, with no access to drinkable water. As time goes on, you begin to weaken, your body begins to cramp up, and eventually, you pass out. As you are laying down, all you can think about is one thing, water. You must have it, or else you will die. […]
Commentary and Gospel Thoughts on Genesis 41v1-45
In this passage we find three themes that relate to Joseph typifying Christ: resurrection, interpretation, and ascension. We will explore these and observe other lessons of principle for the Christian life. Verse 1: This verse is here to connect us with where we left off, and to tell us how long it was that Joseph was […]
An Analysis of John 4:20-24 – Worshiping in Spirit and Truth
INTRODUCTION The purpose of all creation is to worship the true and living God in a way that he has commanded. The New Testament makes it clear that God is seeking worshippers who will worship him “in spirit and truth” (John 4:24) – but what does that mean? This paper seeks to analyze John 4:20-24 […]