In this passage we will observe four elements of the grace of God: the abundance of grace, the forgetfulness of grace, the fruitfulness of grace, and the exclusivity of grace. The Abundance of Grace Verse 46: Moses tells us that Joseph, at this time, is now 30 years old. This marks it then to be 13 […]
Commentary and Gospel Thoughts on Genesis 41v1-45
In this passage we find three themes that relate to Joseph typifying Christ: resurrection, interpretation, and ascension. We will explore these and observe other lessons of principle for the Christian life. Verse 1: This verse is here to connect us with where we left off, and to tell us how long it was that Joseph was […]
Commentary and Gospel Thoughts on Genesis 40
Here we find Joseph in prison, as we left him at the end of Genesis 39. Though unjustly imprisoned, it was not without providence. For Joseph, prison is not punishment, but preparation. God is preparing, sanctifying, testing, and teaching Joseph to trust in Him. Whatever “pit” we find ourselves in, let us remember that it […]
Commentary and Gospel Thoughts on Genesis 39v6b-23
Introductory Comments The fight against sin and temptation is a fundamental element of the Christian life and it is a fundamental fight that we never stop fighting until we cross the finish line. Many faint at the first sound of shots, others fall out along the way, but even some are shot down near the […]
Commentary and Gospel Thoughts on Genesis 39v1-6a
In Genesis 39 the narrative focus shifts back to Joseph, after a short detour in chapter 38 (of which provides stark contrasts with chapter 39). Verse 1: This chapter begins by picking up right where the end of chapter 37 left off; with Joseph being sold to Potiphar, an Egyptian, an officer of Pharaoh, the captain […]