How can the atonement be limited in its efficacy without restricting the content or the scope of the free offer of the gospel? In his book, He Died for Me, Jeffrey D. Johnson seeks to solve the dilemma on how the death of Christ can be sufficient for all without being applied to all. Johnson […]
No Longer Damned
“Do and Live” the law commands, It’s crushing weight I cannot bear. Death is the verdict it demands, The thundering judgment I cannot share. There is no hope or plea in me, For salvation, where to look? Christ comes and says, “I died for thee.” There my punishment Jesus took. No longer damned do I […]
Fresh for Preaching
As a preacher who strives to be gospel centered, and to ever and always preach the gospel, and for the many other preachers who do the same, it can sometimes seem difficult at to always preach the same gospel, and keep it the forefront. That is not because we tire from the gospel, or because […]
God is for God
“to the praise of His glorious grace, with which He has blessed us in the Beloved.” + Ephesians 1:6 In my previous blog (Sons, Through the Son) I talked about verse five in Ephesians chapter one. I discussed two driving forces of God’s purpose for adopting us into His family – His love and His will. The […]