Pastors go through seasons of feeling forgotten. It is a lonely place to be. All your other pastor friends are getting together and doing things without you. Your church members do the same. You may have kids that have grown and haven’t called you in months. It may even seem like God has gone silent toward your prayers.
Take heart, friend. Christ has not forgotten you. God has not forgotten His covenant toward you. You are entirely a part of God’s redemptive plan. The promise of the gospel is not that man will remember you, but that God knows you. He knows every part of you. He knows depths of your heart and mind that you don’t even know about. He knit you together in your mother’s womb and walks you through life and death to get you to Himself. As His beloved, you are ever before His mind. You are seated with Christ at the right hand of God. Our Heavenly Father chose you and knew you before the foundation of the world so that He would know you forever.
God’s hand of providence guides your every turn in life. That hand of love may have very well guided you to many seasons of forgotten-ness in order to bring you to a place of knowing Christ more preciously than ever. Maybe your forgotten-ness is God creating space for you to know the never-failing friendship of Christ more closely than ever.
Your people, your friends, your family may have forgotten you; they are forgetful people. But God is not man that He should forget His beloved. Your name is carved in the hands of your Savior. Your name is written on His heart. Your face is etched on His eyeballs and engraved on His brain.
Forgotten pastor, you are not forgotten.
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