“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.” + Ephesians 1:3
In Christ, God, our Father holds nothing from us. We receive EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. He keeps no good thing back. Freely he has given us all things in Christ.
The depths of our Father’s gracious goodness toward us in Christ is unfathomable and will delight us for all eternity.
The “in-ness” of the gospel is so exhilarating and secure – we are “in Christ.” We aren’t simply God’s people; we aren’t simply God’s children; we aren’t simply Christians; we aren’t simply saved; we are IN-CHRIST. Us in Christ and Christ in us. What a marvelous mystery of grace. And oh how secure this “in-ness” in Christ is. No one takes out that which is in Christ.
This is just the reason God gives us every spiritual blessing He owns. He gives to us just as He gives to Christ! All that is Christ’s is ours. And this is all because Christ earned all – on our behalf.
Christ’s finished work on the cross gives us forgiveness of sins, His perfect righteousness, and places us in Him – giving us all things from God.
So it truly does not matter what you have or don’t have in this world. It does not matter if you are poor and have nothing – that may be better even. For in Christ you have everything from God that matters – the only things that matter – the only eternal things that will last.
And it doesn’t matter if you have great material wealth here on earth. All the wealth of this world is literally worthless junk compared to the riches of God in Christ and all that He freely gives to His children. This is one reason God gives no promise or guarantee of physical health or wealth – because those things are nothing since God has already given us every spiritual blessing possible in Christ.
And the greatest spiritual blessing that God gives in Christ is God Himself. Gives gives us God – and that is everything.
And really, every spiritual blessing is a means to God Himself. Forgiveness of sins is wonderful, but it is wonderful only because through forgiveness of sins can we be united with God. Christ’s imputed righteousness to us is too good! But it is only good because it unites us with God. Eternal life and heaven are good. But they are only good because they unite us with God. These things are not ends. Forgiveness, redemption, eternal life, etc., are not ends. They are means to the greatest end – God.
Friends, through, in, and because of the work of Jesus, God gives us all things, namely, Himself. Be amazed, be in awe, marvel, rejoice!
In Christ, all things.
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