The latter portion of Genesis 32 contains the event of Jacob wrestling with God. It is a Sunday school story those of us who grew up in church know, but not one we understand. While it is what we might call a “cool” story it often leaves us a bit puzzled. I think one of […]
Resurrection in Genesis 31
Genesis 31 contains the narrative that describes Jacob’s exodus, or departure, from Laban after working for him for 20 years. If you are familiar with the story, you will know that Laban didn’t treat Jacob with the most integrity. Laban famously tricked Jacob into marrying Leah, Laban’s eldest daughter, whom Jacob did not want to […]
All Due to Grace
All that I was, my sin my guilt, My death was all mine own; All that I am, I owe to Thee, My gracious God, alone. The evil of my former state Was mine, and only mine; The good in which I now rejoice Is Thine, and only Thine. The darkness of my […]
Trust Like A Weaned Child?
The more a believer matures in Christ, the more humble and childlike his faith becomes. In Psalm 131 the psalmist confesses a simple and humble trust in His God. David is the author, but the circumstances of this Psalm are not apparent. However, we see that David confesses his childlike trust in the Lord, and […]
Revive us again – Psalm 85
What is Revival? Revival is period of restoration. The root word means to restore something back to fullness of life. Revival is a rekindling of spiritual life in individual believers and churches which have fallen into sluggish times. True revival brings a fresh emphasis on the holiness and righteousness of God, the total depravity of […]